Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I'd Rather Go To Sleep

Well hi. How are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Oops, sorry. I just fell asleep at the keyboard. Why am I tired? Well because we just drove over 800 miles in one day. Sounds like fun, huh? Actually, it was fun because I love seeing Montana and I also love dropping two teens off at EFY. They are going to have the time of their lives--and that makes a momma happy. Oh, and I don't have to cook as much this week, so that makes me happy too. And I won't have to break up so many fights this week, so that makes me happy too. And I won't have to .... never mind. You get the drift. It's a win-win for everyone.

Since I need a seriously long snooze, let's keep this week simple. Want to play Would You Rather? I have some rathers for you: some copied, some altered, and some original. Here we go:

1. Would you rather come face to face with a bear, or would you rather have to bare it all while answering the door for one entire day?

2. Would you rather have to drive over rumble-strips non-stop for 5 hours or follow a livestock trailer full of cows for 5 hours?

3. Would you rather have a toot escape and be so loud it could be heard across an entire college campus or wear feminine hygiene product on your back to the grocery store?

4. Would you rather have your diary published or see your most embarrassing moment remade into a big-budget movie?

5. Would you rather drive a super car that looks amazing, but can only go 25 miles per hour or get a speeding ticket in front of your child's school: right as school is being dismissed?

6. Would you rather listen to Call Me, Maybe every hour, on the hour, for one entire year or listen to Jim Carrey do the most annoying sound in the world for 24 hours non-stop?

7. Would you rather not be able to shower except for once a week, or not be able to brush your teeth except for once a week?

8. Would you rather go on a cruise with Matchbox 20 and Goo Goo Dolls on a cruise to the Bahamas (yes, really!) or go on a cruise with Justin Bieber and One Direction. (No, not really. Sorry to get your hopes up.)

9. Would you rather change Grumpy Cat's litter box every day for a year or give Brad Pitt a pedicure after he has spent a month in Africa wearing the same socks and hiking boots every single day?

10. Would you rather leave a comment on a blog or silently stalk?

OK--answer as many or as few as you like! And then leave one or two or three or four or five for me to answer too! Steal em, make em up, whatever ... just give me some so I can play back, OK? And you can answer ones from the comment thread too. WHATEVER.Let's just have fun--or as I said in my 4th grade original story "Gust have fun!" (I was good at typos even way back then, before I learned to type!)

I'm gonna go get me some snoozes now. Thanks for playing!


steven said...

I will just do a cute little trade for trade Auntie Lori
I choose question 5. Would you rather drive a super car that looks amazing, but can only go 25 miles per hour or get a speeding ticket in front of your child's school: right as school is being dismissed?
I would rather get a speeding ticket in front of my child’s school!
Let me paint you a wee scene. You remember that one one movie The Italian Job? K now that your thinking about that you remember that one one character handsome Rob? Well the end scene there where he gets pulled over in his Aston Martin, man he was cool! Ever sense I saw that I wanted to pull off making getting pulled over look that good. Plus, if I was able to pull it off in front of my kids school and if they were all inspired to be like Rob, think of all the amazing movies that those kids could offer our future. Someday….
And this is what I offer you for trade;
Would you rather change gender every time you sneeze or have Cheetos dust permanently stuck to your fingers?

Lori Folkman said...

Steven: THANK YOU for commenting! I was starting to worry that I had offended everyone and their dog and no one wanted to talk to me! Hopefully one of your dogs will leave the next comment, then I will know I'm good. You totally crack me up. You must have gotten your sense of humor from your dad's side of the family. So no, I don't remember much about the Italian Job except for the Mini being driven through a house. Would you rather have a house big enough for a Mini to fit in the hallways or would you rather just have the Mini? And thank your for trying to set such a good example for the youth of America. To answer yours ... (hahahaha that's a good one!) I would rather change gender every time I sneeze, especially if I could sneeze right before childbirth and other unfortunate womanly events. (TMI, sorry.)

Nicole Jessop said...

I've had the window open to comment for around 6 hours now but Brae finally went to sleep so I have hands free to type a response! I hate to disappoint that I'm not one of Steve's dogs though...

I'm picking 6 and 7 to answer - I would rather listen to Call Me Maybe and I would definitely prefer to not shower. I'll just pretend it's like a long camping trip.

Would you rather suck a hobo's toe for 2 minutes or be in a cage with a honey badger and lion for 20 seconds?

Lori Folkman said...

Nicole: You are much better than one of Steve's dogs! You smell good, you don't bite AND you don't stare at me when you want food! Holding a baby is the BEST excuse to not be on a blog. I'm so jealous. Except for tonight, when I'll be sleeping all night and you'll be awake: then you'll be jealous of me!
I would rather be in the cage with the wild animals, thank you very much! I'm picturing yellow toenail fungus and I'm gagging! I might need to think of that image before I go to the fridge in search of food tomorrow. :{

Little Miss Devree said...

I answered all the questions before but it didn't save it so I'm refusing to do it again. >:(
I'm sorry you felt lonely and abandoned Lori But I was at my Jonas Brothers' concert last night and I didn't get home until just now.

-Would you rather sit amidst shrieking teenage girls for 3 1/2 hours in the freezing cold (San Francisco after sunset) or work in a saw mill for the rest of you life in Las Vegas with no ear protection or AC?
-Would you rather throw up the best and most expensive dessert you've ever had or eat your least favorite food for dinner twice a week?
-Would you rather go without sleep for a week or sleep through the only departing flight home for the holidays?
Okay, I'm done.

Lori Folkman said...

Devree: You answered all 10??? And your comment disappeared into thin air? It's a conspiracy! The world is out to get you Devree! That's why you haven't got your prize in the mail yet either. Oh wait, that's because I've been neglecting my duties and haven't gone to the post office!Sorry Devree, I will mail it tomorrow, I promise. (If I don't hurry, you'll be at a different address!) I would rather sit in the freezing cold with teenage girls because it's San Francisco--how cold can it really be? And teenage girls generally smell better than teenage boys. I would rather upchuck because then I know I would never eat that dessert again and that will save me money AND layers of fatness! I would rather go without sleep, although everyone around me would just rather have me miss my flight because I get LOOOoooOOOPY without sleep. And emotional, so if someone tells me I'm LOOOoooOOOPY, I'll start bawling my eyes out and probably never be able to stop until I get some sleep! But alas, even knowing what an un-hot mess I'd be, there's no place like home for the holidays!

Jennifer Lovell said...

MY COMMENT GOT DELETED TOO! GRRRR... I'll try to reconstruct...

Sorry I'm late, but I'm back from my wedding trip now (it was fabulous!), and I thought it would be fun to jump in and play even though I'm a little behind.

#4: Diary published, of course! Especially if that means it will make me a rich and famous author. Oh wait, I guess I would do it anyway, even regardless of the fame.

#6: I could do the weekly shower, but not the weekly teeth-brushing. Unless of course someone invented some gum that did the job for me in its place. And, then, maybe the gum could be magic and make it possible for me to NEVER have to go to the dentist again (no offense to my brother, who is my dentist).

Would you rather have elementary school kids practice their instruments in your family room for 6 hours a day for a week, or have your radio stuck playing "Golden Oldies" from the 1940's for 10 hours a day for a week?

Would you rather read Les Miserables to a kindergartener or have to sing Dr. Seuss lyrics to your spouse for 30 minutes on each of your Friday nights for a year?

Would you rather eat Ramen noodles for lunch everyday for 3 months or drink Slimfast for all 3 meals a day for 3 months? (Your weight would not change either way.)

There, I did it! It looks like my short-term memory isn't all gone yet, WOOHOO!! Now...keeping my fingers crossed for my second attempt at publishing...

Love ya!

Lori Folkman said...

LonglostfriendJenna: Hello! Glad you had a great trip! We missed each other by a day and thirty miles! We'll have to plan better next time! Your #4 cracked me up. You have nothing to fear by publishing your diary! I guess I don't either since most my pages are empty! :| I need to work on that.

To answer yours: I think I would rather have my radio stuck on the Golden Oldies; I think you would get so used to the music that you wouldn't hear it anymore, but kids learning instruments? You CAN'T tune that out!

I would rather read Les Mis because my singing is enough to make someone want to bury their head in the sand and never ever come out!

I would rather not do either of those, thank you very much. I really don't think I could do the Ramen! It makes me gag to think about it. But no meals other than Slimfast?!!! NO! That would be so sad. Can I snack in-between? If that's the case, I will have the Slimfast and then eat chips and guacamole for my afternoon snack and cake for my evening snack and I think I could survive! (And you said my weight wouldn't change, so WAHOO! I might have 2 pieces of cake!) :)