If you're not accustomed to lake swimming, you might not know what "The Itch" is. It happens late in the summer, when parasites float through the water looking for a new host (usually waterfowl) and come in contact with human skin. The larva penetrate the skin but find that humans aren't suitable hosts and die just under the skin. (Lovely, no?) They then cause an inflammatory immune reaction, giving the swimmer big red, itchy welts. It ain't pretty. No siree. (Or no Siri, if you are the tech savvy type.) If you want to see how pretty it ain't click here. But if looking at nasty rashes on pasty white people ain't your thing, then just keep a readin'.
Why am I telling you this? I don't know. We actually have learned how to avoid "The Itch" and haven't had to deal with it in years. Maybe I'm bringing it up because "The Itch" sounds like "The Hitch" and I was hoping to have Episode 2 ready for you to download this week.
But alas, we've been spending too much time swimming (but not itching) and I haven't been able to put the finishing touches on it to make it as perfect as Montana sunset. (No picture, sorry. You'll just have to use your imagination.)
Maybe I also mention "The Itch" because I'm itching to do some serious writing once the kiddos are back in school. I might have to wear mittens so I don't scratch myself to death in the next 2 weeks. I can make it? Yes I can!
But can you make it one more week to read Episode 2 of "THE HITCH?" Yes you can! It will be worth the wait. And completely itch-free.
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