Friday, November 6, 2015

Back from the Dead

What's this? Is this a blog post? From yours truly? To what do you owe this punishment?

It's been a year since I last blogged. Have you been wondering what the heck happened?

So have I!

I never planned on quitting the blog; it just sort of happened. I felt like I was running out of things to say. And the things I did want to say were more of a serious nature, and I didn't quite know how to say them without sounding like a boring old lady.

I let one week lapse, then another; and before I knew it, months had gone by. Since blogging was no longer a priority, that designated writing time got gobbled up like Thanksgiving pie. Then guess what happened to my time for writing fiction? --It got Thanksgivinged too!

And when I am able to find time to sit and write a story, I sit and write nothing. I can't get the words to come.

I realized that the two are connected. Blogging helps me establish a writing routine. It helps me organize the thoughts that swirl constantly in my head. It helps me connect with others, which helps me feel happier and less isolated, which is inevitable when you spend lots of time with imaginary people who live in your head.

So I'm recommitting to blogging. I'll be here weekly. I'm thinking Wednesday or Thursday would be a good day to post, but I'm not ready to make that absolute commitment yet. (I can't get entirely rid of the flightiness that is a part of my nature, can I?)


Who knows! Anything! Everything! I've decided not to stick to any one format or set niche. I'm just going to say whatever is in my head. And what has it been lately? Well, I've been doing lots of sole searching (I lost my shoes) (just kidding, I know it's SOUL searching), lots of learning, growing and developing. I've needed to find ways to be happy and feel successful, even though life is full of disappointments. I've needed to learn to be loving and accepting of myself, with all my flaws, shortcomings and failures. And that equates to being able to be more loving and accepting of others.

I hope to share some of what I have learned with you (and what I am still in the process of learning): meaning, this blog will be more heartfelt than ever before. And possibly less silly too, since it seems there's an overabundance of ways to waste time on the Internet. I hope to provide something more productive.


Absolutely nothing.

Unless I can say something inspiring/thought provoking every once in awhile. That would be nice.

I realize that the blogging movement has basically died; I personally haven't even checked up on any blogs for many months now. But I've decided that it doesn't matter if there isn't anyone left out in the blogisphere to talk to. I still want to talk. And that's all that matters. 

Oh no, wait. You matter too! Where are you? How are you? What have you been doing for an entire year? I hope you are happy and healthy! I have missed you, honestly, I have! Yes, you and you and you. And also you!


There's power in friendship, and together we can accomplish great things. I just know it. <3


everydayjane said...

I am sooooo excited to see this!!! I love your blogging and your writing! I have been so busy this year and goi g to get busier in January hopefully... But yay!!!! Brandi Simpson ( I don't know if I am logged in or not so ya this is me)

everydayjane said...

Hahaha I guess I am:)

robyn said...

Hooray! I'm so glad you are back! i love this post. Our journeys are so similar. I am so glad we have reconnected. :)

Lori Folkman said...

everydayjane: Great code name. :) Thank you, so glad to know I'm not talking to myself! What's happening in January??? I can't wait to find out!

Robyn: Thank you! But our journeys are not similar because mine didn't just take me to Italy! ;) You lucky dog you. I'm so glad we reconnected too! You have helped me immensely!

Didi said...

Yay!!!! I'm so glad you are blogging again! :)

Jennifer Lovell said...

You blog, I will read and comment. That's the deal. And I like it! Love you!

Lori Folkman said...

Didi: I'm glad that you're glad that I'm glad that we're all glad! :)

Jenna: Good deal! Works for me. <3

Little Miss Devree said...

You're back! Oh how I've missed you Lori! Here I was thinking about me and posting on my blog to complete an assignment and I saw new posts from you! Whoo! This made my crappy hate-week so much better!

Lori Folkman said...

Devree: Now I need to check up on your blog! Why did you have a crappy week? Me no likey! I emailed you this week: did you get it? So glad to "see" you Devree!