Monday, December 5, 2016

The Struggles of Muggles

Truth be told: I struggle.

Even truthier truth be told: EVERYONE struggles. No one has a magic wand that makes life perfect.

Life isn't easy, but it wasn't meant to be.

But we are meant to have JOY, and we are meant to be happy despite our struggles.

I've been working hard to find a better balance in my life: more joy, more happiness, more laughter, more loving--even when life is less than perfect.

I'm reworking the blog to document my discoveries as a way to help myself retain what I learn (teaching someone else is always the best way to learn). I also hope that you might find something of value that will help with your muggle struggles.

I'll have free downloads for you every week (ish) (we all know I'm not always consistent) (I'm consistent with my inconsistency).

My way to cope/manage/balance is through journaling. I searched for the perfect system or notebook for my journaling, but my search was futile. (I'm such a special case that the mass market doesn't understand the inner-workings of my brain.) So what's a girl to do when she can't buy what she needs? She makes it!

I'm going to be rolling out the Journal +  Planner system I've created next week, with the hope that it will be just what you need too. I'll tell you all about it next week.

But to get you started, here are some downloads you will need for December (since it will be gone before you can blink!) to help you get organized with your shopping and such.

 Great for any holiday or large event!

They are sized for an A5 binder or planner system (two pages per one standard size paper.)

And they are yours, FREE for the downloading.

Here's one final freebie, the perfect reminder of the one source of our most profound JOY.

Art by Simon Dewey. Verse from 2 Nephi 2:27.

Happy Holidays.

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