Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I never knew!

You all remembered to come back today, right?

So I guess I shocked a few people with my book debut last week. Turns out that not a lot of people knew why my eyes are always bloodshot and why I'm in a daze half the time. You would think that since writing is such a huge part of my life, I'd  be more eager to talk about it. But, it is slightly uncomfortable to tell people that you have conversations with imaginary people. And not only do you hear "voices", you also know what your imaginary friends look like, down to how they dress. You even know about their annoying little character traits, like if they blink too much or speak before thinking (which character in my book am I referring to?).

See, you would be worried about me if you knew how much time I spend with my imaginary friends, but when I'm able to show you the finished result, it's somehow okay. I love this quote by E.L. Doctorow, "Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia." Phew, I'm not crazy!

So, since I'm so exposed right now, I thought I'd share something else about myself that you might not know. I have a fetish for office supplies. Paper, folders, binders, cutesy paperclips, sticky notes, mechanical pencils ... oh mechanical pencils, how I love thee!  These are items I always have to talk myself out of buying when shopping. Because, really, I don't need them. I hate paperwork! Which is what makes this so ironic. I have never worked in an office and I hope to never work in an office. In fact, I would much rather work in the State Penitentiary doing pedicures than work in an office. 

Wait, I take that back. I would work in this office:

Anyone know if they are hiring?

So now it's your turn to share. Tell us something about yourself that others might not know. And since we're a new community around here, that should be pretty easy. It doesn't need to be anything too revealing--and definitely nothing embarrassing. Just, ya know, something fun. Like maybe you've watched the entire season of "My So Called Life" five times in just as many months. That's just a random example. I totally didn't do that.*

You have until 9 pm MST on Weds to post your comment. (Yes, I extended the window. Say thank you, Ms. H.) Prize winner will be announced Thursday. 

*Ok, so maybe I did. Or maybe I've watched it more times than that. But who's counting?


Katy said...

It's hard to find something "interesting" about my self just because I think (as I think many people think) everything I do in normal. Isn't what you do or who you are "normal" and everyone else does "different/interesting" things? Lol. ;) But oooookay, something about me...hum...ok how about this, I have cut my hair and donated it to Lock For Love 3 times. :) Well, that wasn't too bad.

Anonymous said...

ok...I "read" by listening to books on my mp3 player. It's not that I don't know how to read its just that I can multitask and listen to classic (or not so much) literature! Hey, this should have been the comment on last weeks post!


Bakerfam said...

hummm this is a tricky one, something about myself, not to scary, that others wouldn't know...I am a member of the Board of Directors for the United Angels Foundation, that has been a dream come true.

Anonymous said...

We must be related, then, because I have always had a fascination with brand new crayons. They are so pretty! It's sad that my kids are too grown up to have new crayons every school year!


Anonymous said...

This is kinda weird, but I can't burp. It's impossible! I missed out on so many burping contests as a kid- really disappointing.


Team C said...

So funny that I like office supplies too. I used to play office all the time when I was a kid. I love pens AND pencils though. In fact I just bought some pink, blue, and green gel pens. WEEE, and I buy cute decorated paper clips for bookmarks. They are at Walmart and so cute. Anyway, that's what I like "That's what she said. LOL!

WG said...

Hmmmm..... I cannot stand the Dave Mathews band. Seriously! If a song of theirs comes on I cringe and plug my ears like a little kid.... so I hope this give away isn't something realted Dave Mathews :)


PaulaShawn said...

I think I've made it obvious that I have a strange thing for comfy shoes and jackets (do I need this or just want it? I can't find a difference). But I also get giddy for backpacks! The ability to have everything you need on your back is thrilling! And they are so cool with all their pockets and uses and how they update them each year. I just bought one last night and can't wait until it ships. I have a few dozen activities already planned with it. It's nice to be out of that phase I was in for 10-11 years where I could only use the same old pack - my child carrier. I think I've gotten a new one each year since.

Livingstonslifeinmontana said...

I do strange things at different times...like right now I'm on a cereal fettish! At the moment I crave Captain Crunch Peanut Butter; a month ago it was Lucky Charms. I sneak handfuls throughtout the day and eat it dry and then at night I like to have a bowl of cereal before i go to bed.

kayla said...

well...I sometimes (often)talk to myself. But that's not where it ends. I tend to ask questions and then answer them. Maybe its all part of middle-child syndrome?figuring that's the only way I'll get an answer ha

Tara said...

I didn't know you loved writing. That's awesome! I have a sister and a sister-in-law of another sister, who are also blogging to get published. You've come up with a very clever way to generate comments, I must say!
As for my little known fact, I have a doll with a blog. She has 32 followers and hits from 76 different countries so far.

Devree said...

Ummm....I don't know if YOU know but everyone that I know certainly knows: I'm a survivor of brain cancer. That and I love peas. I'll even eat them frozen.

The Rowley's said...

Chad had mentioned you write books and Ive always wanted to read one! Your books I mean. I have read a book before! In fact I read A LOT! Nerd alert: I actually collect the classics of literature-ya know... all that stuff they made you read in HS. Really I just collect books. Its my favorite gift to get!

fun7heaven said...

Hmmm... I love all things old. Day old spagetti, day old pizza, day old popcorn, old stuff like,white chippy painted furniture, old dishes, old leather saddles and most importantly old dogs :) but I definately don't claim to be getting old.....do you believe that? Tana