Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Those Who Read the Words of the Blog

Sometimes I have super profound, deep thoughts. This may be astonishing to you, especially if you read the story from last week. Here's the sagacious thought I had this week:

Do Native Americans hate Thanksgiving?

Me thinks yes.

Back in the fall of 1621, Governor William Bradford called for a feast and sent 4 hunters out for food. The neighboring Indian tribe heard gunshots and said, "Holy guacamole! Those white dudes are preparing to make war!" The leader of the Wampanoag went to visit the white dudes and found out they were planning a fiesta, not a waresta. Then the leader of the Wampanoag was like all, "Hey, can we come to your par-tay? We will bring the chips, 'cause y'all's the dips."

Anyway, when we think of the history of Thanksgiving, we think of this:

Pilgrims and Indians: hand in hand, sharing and caring. And then a generation later: not so much. We were all, "You better keep a close eye on what I do with my carving knife because pretty soon, you'll find it in your back!" Our ancestors weren't necessarily diplomatic.

And I'm probably not going to be politically correct with this blog post either. I don't mean to disrespect the Native American culture. I find their heritage fascinating. I love their stories, their reverence for nature, and their art. But I find it interesting how their language does not translate into English very well. Everything is so ... literal.

Since we live near a reservation, we see signs with beautiful Salish words, followed by the English translation.

For example, if you saw one of these (a barn)

The sign next to it that would say:
snòpyuÛtsqá – 
place for animals to stand around

See what I'm saying? It takes away the ... I dunno, ethnicity or something to translate their language. (See what I was saying about me being so profound? Mensa, here I come! Maybe I would sound better if I just spoke Salish! And wrote in Salish!) I just read that the Salish language is only spoken by 124 people and is considered "critically endangered." That is a true tragedy. Maybe I really should learn Salish.

Anyway, when you understand how literal the translation is, it helps understand why Native American names are so interesting. Remember Dances with Wolves and Stands with a Fist? And I'm sure you've heard of Crazy Horse--whose name was actually translated His Horse is Crazy. Some other fun ones I found are He Who Yawns and He Who Combs. Yes, really.

If you were a Native American, what would your name be?

My obvious name would be She Who Types, but I would like something more creative than that. How about Sings with Cuckoos. Yes, I like that. It could mean that I'm like Cinderella and I sing with the birds while I do my housework, or it could mean the other version of cuckoo. Perfect.

Also, according to Native American legend, 9 different animals were assigned to accompany each person through their life voyage. One animal was the main guardian spirit, or Totem. With this animal, a deep connection was shared with that individual.

My main guardian animal would have been a cat, since it is the animal I can most easily relate to. I am fickle, independent yet dependent, and ... mysterious. (ha.) Oh yeah, and most of all, lazy. 

What animal would be your main guardian spirit? Remember, insects and mythical creatures were often included as guardians, so you can use those. And feel free to look at this list if you want to find out what different totems meant.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope no one pops a button off their pants! And guys: I'm truly grateful for your friendship. Thanks for taking time to read my silly blog. It means the world to me. :)


Nicole Jessop said...

I like Elk, so that can be my Totem. Oh, now I want to watch Brother Bear. And my native american name can be.... she who likes sleep or she who love to cook.

Anne said...

I found three of my animals and their meanings. Animal that I've always been drawn to is a tiger: Strength, valor, power, and energy

Animal always in my dreams and that I have frequent encounters with:Spider. (yucky!) Balance, wisdom, creativity, communication (who would have thought such good words would be associated with a spider?)

The Totem for my family would be a turtle. Nurturer, shy, and protecting.

My name would probably Chases Children... or something along those lines.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Jennifer Lovell said...

I think my name would be Flaming Head. That's 'cause I have flaming wild curly red hair, and also because I'm a hot head (I get my temper from my dad), and because I have a big mouth and stupid words come out like flames sometimes--yikes! I bet the Indian who got assigned to marry me would be afraid for his life, ha ha!

The animal I connect with most might be a cat for the same reasons you listed. Or a snake? I always liked snakes as a kid. I like the way they slither and only have to eat every so often--and when they do, they get to stuff themselves. Or how about a bear? I'd love to hibernate through the winter.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too. I'm thankful for you and your blog!

PaulaShawn said...

Hacks A Lot would be my name of the past week. Nothing to do with knives or computers. Everything to do with the spreading of germs and the searching for air.

Normally, though, I think my name would be Stamps Down Mountains, 'cause I like to overcome them on foot, bike, snowshoe, etc.

I love that eagles have no boundaries, they are fast and powerful, they have keen eyesight, they are focused and determined, and they are majestic. I hope I resemble them in some small way. I hope I have a broad perspective and yet can stay focused on those things that are spiritually sustaining. I hope I stay clasped to the Iron Rod the way they never let go of treasures with their strong talons. I know I've seen amazing scenery and had views from the tops of mountains that have inspired and taught me great lessons. I also know that I have strong and muscular legs, just like eagles (at least I tell myself that's the reason for my legular girth). And I know that I do every time I try to find a pair of pants that fit me. That's one of the parts of being like an eagle that's not so pretty or so great! And I'm not going bald, but bald eagles really aren't bald either. But I am becoming more and more white on top. Hopefully it will only make me seem more majestic as well.

Lori Folkman said...

Nicole: Elk are pretty amazing,except for when they are standing on the road in the middle of the night. The nerve! How about your first name can be She who likes to Cook, and then your middle name can be She who like to Sleep? Don't switch orders though or you'll never get to cook.

Anne: A spider is all that? (I mean a Spee-ider.) I can see how you can relate to a spider--plus all those extra legs would help you wrangle your children. If only you could stick them to your web so they couldn't run off and sprinkle glitter all over the kitchen.

JazznJenna: that sounds like it could be the name of a band. Or am I thinking of the Flaming Lips? I do think it is perfect though, but I disagree about the stupid words coming out. How about you just say the words are fiery with passion? (Much better, yes?) A bear is perfect. Oh, how I would love to hibernate through the winter. Or even better, I should be a goose so I can fly south to Meh-he-co.

Paulashawn: That is the first time anyone has every used the phrase "legular girth" on my blog. Actually, it's probably the first time anyone has ever used those words on the internet. Congrats for that! But we all know you have no girth anywhere on your body, so we're not buying that story. I just hope your name never gets changed to Falls Down Mountains. Your much safer if you stay at home, living life from behind a computer.

Livingstonslifeinmontana said...

At dinner on Sunday we were just asking the children a question similar to this and I choose an eagle. I would love to be able to fly.
I think my Indian Name would be "doesn't know when to shut up" :)

Little Miss Devree said...

My dad said I'd be Stands with iPod. Dane says I could be Crazy Socks. I don't know what I'd be called. Since I'm at home for Thanksgiving my brother helped me pick an animal for my family and grandparents.
Dane thinks he's an ant-eater.
We said Shay was a coyote because of his tricksterness and stealth.
Noble would be a dog because he faithful, loyal, and protective.
Mom would be a deer because she fits most of those things and is a seller of adventure!
Dad would be a dolphin because of his wisdon, happiness, and playfulness.
Grandpa would e a beaver and grandma would be a butterfly.
I couldn't decide what I am. I'm either an armadillo, buffalo of camel. What do you think?
I'm so happy to bee home for Thanksgiving!

Little Miss Devree said...

OH! P.S. I started a new blog because google hates me! it's devreeslife.blogspot.com

Lori Folkman said...

Livingstonslifeinmontana- You would make a splendid eagle. But did you know that flamingos also fly? Just sayin.
I object to your Native American name: it should be She who is Nice to Everyone.

Little Miss Devree: I was so confused with that screen name. I had no idea who was commenting. JK. Sorry for your google troubles. I'll check out the new blog. I'm so glad you are home too! Be sure to pack your suitcase full of food before you head back. Hmm... I don't know what animal you would be either. I kinda think the buffalo because you are mighty, strong, revered and you have great hair! I love the name Crazy Socks! Will you change your blogger profile to that please? :)

bigskyboys said...

I think my animal would have to be the Lynx. Solitude, high country, not a fan of lots of people, likes winter and loves the view from high perches.

My indian name would be something like "foot in mouth" or if someone was feeling a little less critical perhaps "hair the color of honey".

Happy Thanksgiving

Lori Folkman said...

bigskyboys: Is it possible that you are part Native American because that was perfect! I'm getting you a stuffed Lynx for Christmas. And by stuffed--I mean like a toy one. I'm not going to go out and shoot one and take it to the taxidermist, so don't be disappointed when it's not the real dead deal. And possibly could we change your name to Moccasin Mouth, just because it sounds better--but not because I agree with your name selection. :)

Didi said...

I think that my name would be something like "Long Hair".

And I think that my totem would be a snake, because it is shy, and stays away from danger, but if it's threatened, it will attack. I love snakes:) I also think this because snakes are quiet most of the time.

Lori Folkman said...

Didi: I'm envious of your beautiful long hair. My other name could be "She whose hair turns to hay and must be cut." Will you give me a few inches of yours, pretty please? :) That snake description is perfect! You are also very observant, which is also another snake-like quality. It suits you. Just don't speak Parseltongue or you will freak me out.