Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Beachy Keen

If I had my own world, I would rename the month of March "Bleck." And not just any bleck; you need to say it at the very back of your throat like a German would say "schlecht." In fact, in my own world, I might just get rid of March entirely. Why? Well, why not?

March is icky, drippy, slushy, gushy. What's left of the snow is crusty one day and mushy the next, making it unusable and unnecessary. Yet the earth is too soggy to participate in other outdoor activities like croquet or badminton. So what do you do to pass the time in March? You get out of town.

At least that's what you do if you have the means and children who don't perpetually contract illnesses. But if you are unfortunate like some people whose last name rhymes with Dopeman, you just dream about dream vacations.

Where do I dream about going on vacation? Well, just about anywhere south of Idaho, but mostly I dream about warm tropical beaches. Although--if I could pick anywhere in the world to travel to this week, I'd go to Costa Rica.

Why Costa Rica?

Costa Rica has TWO coast lines with beaches that look like this:

 A forest like this:

 Waterfalls like this:

Resorts with rooms like this:
And food like this:
All of this combined with an average yearly temperature between 70 and 80 degrees and I think I've found heaven on earth. The only problem with going there is that I would never want to leave!

So who's with me? Do you want to go on vacation?

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Anyone who really has a vacation planned to a tropical destination had better just keep quiet or I might just be overcome with jealousy and reach through the screen and pull your hair. That made me sound more crabby than a crab-apple tree, didn't it? I'm sorry if it came across that way, since I'm the farthest thing from crabby. What? You don't believe me??? Why ON EARTH WOULD YOU ACCUSE ME OF CRABBYDOM? Sheesh.

So tell me all about those dreams of yours and make me forget that it's sleeting outside. A-loh-ha ha ha.


Jennifer Lovell said...

It's snowing here today, or sleeting, it can't make up its mind. But it will be warmer here today than yesterday, thank goodness, making our new snow go away, hopefully. I'll second your vote to trade away March weather for some extra June weather, just as long as you don't give me an extended allergy season (April/May).

For my dream vacation, I'd like to go to Australia or New Zealand. I don't know much about those places, but all I've seen of them is beautiful landscapes and people with VERY cool accents. I would go there just to listen to them talk.

Anywhere else with a quiet beach would be fine too--I'll take Hawaii for sure.

Aside from the beaches, I want to go to England, Spain, France, and Italy. All in one trip.

But one last thing: wherever I go, I DON'T want to be my own tour guide, because that would stress me out and ruin the whole trip. So, who wants to go with me and lead me around? Good thing some people like to get paid to do that, right?

Nicole Jessop said...

We want to go to New Zealand and Ireland. Steve is always looking online for deals to go, but I don't think it's going to happen in the near future. We're hoping to go to New Zealand for our 10th anniversary though. Fingers crossed!

Anne said...

All winter long we were dreaming of a nice quiet beach in Cancun...or Hawaii...or anywhere warm and sunny! Those dreams were put on the back burner though and turned into a "someday" dream. Some day I also dream of going to Italy.

March is kind of "Bleck" I think everyone wants the weather to stop teasing us and decide to just be warm and sunny already!

Lori Folkman said...

JazznaaachooJenna: I think I would trade the blahs of March for all the sneezing in the world. :) I love the down-under dialect too: in fact, one of the kids recently heard a guy from Australia and they said, "his British accent is really weird." I wonder if that's what New Yorkers would say about my English.

Nicole: Ireland would be amazing, but I think I would have a hard time staying out of the pubs. Ha ha, just kidding. Or am I? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your 10 year plan too. You could start saving lots of money by not having Steve build any more canoes.

Anne: Oh Cancun, you sound delightful right now. But Anne, you don't need to go anywhere hot because you live with the HOTNESS himself, Mr. Stud Miler. Right? March IS such a tease. Sad thing is that March sets a bad example and April, May and June follow suit and like to tease too, at least here in Montana. (Can you tell I'm so over winter?!!) I'm going to be positive and say: at least I don't live in Alaska. Or worse: Fargo, ND.

Devree said...

Well if funds are not an issue I'd go to Cancun or a replay of my make-a-wish trip to Hawaii. Although California beaches aren't that far away, it always seems to be chilly there...the weather isn't awful here I just wish it wasn't so windy. It's just not good for girls in wigs!

Lori Folkman said...

Devree: I was almost ready to send out a cyber search party for you! So did your entire family get to go to Hawaii? Make a Wish is an amazing foundation. I wonder if they would hire me to be a photographer for people's trips? Hmmm ... guess I should learn how to take pictures of people and not barns. BTW, Girls in Wigs would be a great name for a band. Should we start one together? I'll play the drums. Oh hey... an even better name would be Windy City Wigs. You like?

PaulaShawn said...

It's our green season now. There is no need to leave this emerald place. The blossoms are popping out of the trees, the grass is coming in, the sun is shining brightly, the sky is incredibly blue - its just a gorgeous day! Devree speaks the truth - it has been windy. But when life gives you wind, you just go and fly a kite. You could market wig kites! People would be so focused on the kites that they wouldn't notice it came from you ;-)

I'm excited to announce that my dream vacation is soon to be a reality! My 20 year anniversary is cause for such dreamy celebration. I get to go to MOAB for the most spectacular biking and hiking in the world!!!!

Now you can go and chase that home home homeboy!

Lori Folkman said...

PwogSdwag: Did you feel your hair being yanked while you were sleeping last night? Because you were warned! No mention of real tropical vacations!!! What, you don't think Moab is tropical? They have palm trees. Don't believe me? Look at this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/strotter/2931243266/in/set-72157607928860929 Also, you need to look at this because if you want to travel to Moab in style, you'll buy one of these: http://online.jpfreek.com/2010/07/25/jeep-mopar-announce-release-of-new-camper-trailer/ A Jeep camping trailer! Even I might go camping if I had one of those!
That last line of yours: you forgot to add the "YO" therefore proving you are much older than me. Hey, let me know when your wig kite business gets fly and I will buy stock.

Little Miss Devree said...

Haha, sorry about the delay. I've been busy helping a woman in our ward prepare her house to be rented. Yes, we all got to go! It was right before big bro left for his mission two years ago and it was splendid! Sick-like or not, it was a good experience.
A photographer would have been cool! They seemed to have gone all out but forgot the photographer!
Girls in Wigs would be a cool band name (sorry I didn't like the second one as much). I could play the key board! .... maybe not.... And we'd always wear really outrageous wigs but not copy Nicki Minaj or Lady Gaga. Yeah, we'd be a hit! It'd be kind of ironic if our lead guitarist was a male though...We could make him look like a girl with the wig I suppose...I'll just stop now.

Lori Folkman said...

Devree: I had so hoped you took awhile to comment because you had a new boyfriend and you didn't even have time for the computer anymore because all you wanted to do was stare endlessly into his eyes ... Anyway, I LOVE the idea of our Girls In Wigs band featuring a male guitarist in a girly wig, but then it does exclude Paulashawn from our band since she plays the guitar. Maybe we could make her wear a boy wig! I get to be on drums!

Lori Folkman said...

Oh hey, I already said I get to play the drums. I must be really excited about my chance to rock out ... oh and think of the awesome arm muscles I'd get!