Tuesday, March 12, 2013

When Good Appendix Go Bad, Part 2

As luck would have it, (or as unlucky would have it, which makes more sense, except it doesn't make sense to say it that way, so we will just stick with the original version and say as luck would have it,) child #3 has a lingering infection from his appendicitis. :-(  So instead of doing fun things like going skiing or building sandcastles or going to school, he is back in the hospital for a couple days. :-(  But not to worry; it's not serious and he should be good as new in no time. Why am I telling you all of this bummer (btw, that might be an 80's word. Sorry for being so unfly this week.) personal family stuff? Because I cannot do a regular post again this week. So sorry. I am typing on my tablet and I just don't think my fingers will hold up much longer. Anyone else get finger cramps from tablet typing?

But because hospitals are so very drab and boring, do you think you could do something for me? Can you tell me a joke? One that I could share with my 11 yo so he could get a laugh too? It would be much appreciated! I will be back next week, unless we are hit by a late season storm and are without power, or have been engulfed by a fiery volcano, or something else major like that. I am looking forward to hearing your favorite jokes! Thanks guys.


Jennifer Lovell said...

Lori, my heart just sunk when I read your news :(. I wish there was more I could do for you than just send jokes!! (Prayers are a given, I hope you know). LOVE to you and #3!

I polled some of my facebook friends for their best jokes, and here's what we have so far.

Why did Sponge Bob wear two shirts to go golfing? In case he got a hole in one!

How many holes does your sock have? When the person says none, ask, "Then how do you put your foot in?"

Not a joke, but we like to play would you rather? You ask silly questions like, "Would you rather brush your teeth with a slug or drink sour milk?" or "Would you rather only eat your favorite food or never eat it again."

What says ewwww? A cow with no lips!

What did one strawberry say to the other strawberry? We're in a real jam!

How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it ;).

How do you catch a unique rabbit? Unique up on him. How to you catch a tame rabbit? Tame way.

A woman came home from church and found a robber filling up his bag in her house. She was so flustered, she yelled ACTS 2:38! The robber stopped in his tracks and didn't dare move. She calmly called the police. When they arrived, they asked him why he didn't do anything. Well, she said she had an ax and two 38's and I knew I'd be a goner!

Why did the hero flush the toilet? Because it was his duty!

I'll try to send some more later. And, you know that anytime you need to vent, I'm only a few keys away!!
Love ya!

Nicole Jessop said...

I don't have any jokes but I can do better than jokes. Watch Psych. I don't care how down you are, Psych makes everything better!

Lori Folkman said...

Jenna: you stumped him with the sock one. :) Thank you for those, they made him happy.

Nicole: I'm going through Psych withdrawals since the hospital's wifi isn't fast enough to watch Netflix! In case you are wondering what to get me for your baby shower gift, you could get me all 6 seasons of Psych on disc. That would be a great door prize!

Devree emailed me some funnies, including this one: Why was the little inkblot so unhappy?
Because his mother was in the pen and they didn’t know how long the sentence would be. And this one: What do you call a Frenchman wearing sandals?
Philippe Philoppe.
Ha ha! Thanks Devree!

Child #3 is home now and feeling like his old self again. Yippee! I am one happy momma.

LStevens said...

A guy drives into a ditch, but luckily, a farmer is there to help. He hitches his horse, Buddy, up to the car and yells, "Pull, Nellie, Pull!" Buddy doesn't move. "Pull, Buster, Pull!" buddy doesn't budge. "Pull, Coco, Pull!!" Nothing. Then the farmer says, "Pull, Buddy, Pull!"
And the horse drags the car out ofthe ditch. Curious, the motorist asks the farmer why he kept calling his horse by the wrong name. "Buddy's blind, "said the farmer, "And if he thought he was the only one pulling, he wouldn't even try." :)

You can get this and more funny jokes by purchasing through Amazon Kindle books. "REaders Digest, Laughter the best medicine." It is full of good jokes to keep you laughing. Hope your son gets well and out of the hospital soon.

Lori Folkman said...

LStevens: ha ha! That's a good one. I need to get that book: I loved reading those as a kid. Although, I don't know if it's a good idea to read it while alone at a coffee shop or people would think that I'm a bit looney. ;)