Tuesday, April 9, 2013

1040 4 ME-Z

Hey! In case you missed last week, Paulashawn did our guest post. It's never too late to join the conversation. Say hello to her, will ya?

It's tax time! Do you have finances on the brain? (Not fiance's. Those are a lot more fun and bring fonder memories than finances, but alas, we are speaking of drudgery today.) Are you feeling your wallet shrink? Are you giving up on your million-dollar dreams? Yeah? Me too.

Image from this site.

When you have a lot of mouths to feed (and some of my kids have more than one mouth. And more than one stomach.), sometimes the things you WANT get put on a someday-but-not-today list. Don't get me wrong: sacrificing for your family is a good thing, but we still need something to discuss here, don't we? So what if you had a little bit of extra money that was ALL YOURS? Here's what I would do:

If I had an extra $5, I would by a yummy trail mix with some sort of mixture of chocolate, caramel and nuts.
If I had an extra $50, I would get take-out for dinner. (The kids might think it's a treat for them, but it's really to give me a night off cooking.)
If I had an extra $100, I would buy new jeans or running shoes, depending on whichever looked more flattering.
If I had an extra $500, I would buy a new laptop. Since my old one is limping along still, this can't be on the "needs" list yet.
If I had an extra $1000, I would buy maid service for the next six months or so.
If I had an extra $5000, I would take that trip to a tropical local.

There you go. That's $6605 and your windfall for the day. How would you spend it?

The rules: the $6605 must be spent on something primarily for you. Don't spend it all in one spot. Don't donate to charity. (Mostly because it would make me look bad.) (Also because we'll do that for another post someday.) And don't go in the red! Tell me, how will you spend your small fortune?


Nicole Jessop said...

$5- Pepsi and a Butterfingers. Or, maybe a strawberry shake from McDonalds. Those have become my latest fix
$50- Mani/Pedi or a massage
$100- A new sewing machine. I should be getting one for my birthday, but I'd get it now so I have time to work on my projects before the baby comes
$500- I would finish my kitchen and painting the house.
$1000- I'd take a weeklong trip home and use the money for bills so I can bring my hubby with me and enjoy his company. Or, we'd go on a quick trip like to Yellowstone or something for a couple days.
$5000- We would go to New Zealand or Ireland for vacation.

Jennifer Lovell said...

These are all fun questions. I like to ask them to my kids periodically, because kids come up with very creative answers. I loved my son's answer when I asked him (when he was 9 or 10) what he would do if he had all the money in the world. He said "I'd buy probably about 400 libraries, and then give the rest to charity." He loves books. Isn't that cute?

Assuming one more unstated ground rule would be that we can't put the money towards our debt, here's my wish list:

$5: I'll pay someone that amount to bring me some fresh chocolate chip cookies tonight. With walnuts, and whole wheat flour. All for me. Maybe I could give each kid one cookie, as long as they promise to just say "Thanks, Mom!" instead of whining for more ;).

$50: I'd spend this on $50 worth of minutes of full-body massage. I think that would be nearly an hour. Yes, please.

$100: Date with hubby! Dinner and a movie and babysitting and a souvenir (a CD or new journal) from a bookstore.

$500: I would travel to see my family out West!

$1000: I would buy myself an awesome treadmill or elliptical machine (or if I got them used, could I get both?).

$5000: I don't know how much we could do with this, but I'd love to put this towards finishing our basement. Starting with carpet, making shelves and cabinets, dividing the room in two, and adding another window. That would be awesome. OR, I'd buy a second car for our family. Hubby could use it to go to work, and I could keep the van to myself.

That was fun! Now I am all set knowing what to ask for for my birthday next month! :)

PaulaShawn said...

It's a BEAUTIFUL spring day!

I just had to get that off my chest.

$5 would buy me 5 Yoplait Greek Yogurts. Yum!

$50 Some of those super cute Sketchers like my sister-in-law has

$100 - Wow - $100 would bring wonderful rejuvenation to my music library! I did just get the new Dido release. Really liking it!

$500 would pay for vehicular support that would carry food and sleeping gear while I bike the White Rim near Moab

$5000 would get me a good mountain bike or a decent road bike. But I proved last week that it's not the equipment, it's the rider. I chased down and passed a roadie with nice gear and I was on my mountain bike! He even said, "Hey, you can't pass me! And on a mountain bike - even worse!"

But sadly, I think new carpet and a new couch would be a nice trade for $5000. I hate having domestic desires!

Lori Folkman said...

Nicole: Can I come along for the pedi? That's one thing about the weather turning warm--toenails have to look good again! And legs have to be shaven! (I guess those are both good things tho.)I would like a new sewing machine too, but it would cost more than $100 because it would pretty much have to run on autopilot.

JazznJenna: Funny, my daughter just brought home a paper from school that said, "If I had a pot of gold, I would buy all the animal shelters in the world." I don't know that I could support her in this endeavor. However, I would back the library project. Books don't shed! Or bark! (But they're made of bark. Ha ha.)Oooh, yes, an elliptical would be fun. Or maybe a gym membership. I should have thought of that.

PaulaShawnthebloggingmaniac: Carpet and couches are more essential than domestic desires. If you were desiring curtains and new teacups, I'd be really concerned. Was that roadie your hubby? And did you say, "EAT MY DUST SUCCA!" I'd bet my $5 trail mix on it! AND BTW: Greek yogurt = disgusting. Have your taste buds been dissolved in acid?

Anne said...

Oh I love this game!!

$5: Chocolate covered strawberries. Yummy

$50: A pedicure and a new book!

$100: A much nicer than normal date night with my hubby. Or a fun GNO! Come to Utah and play with me Lori!

$500: A fun getaway with my hubby. We were totally lame and did nothing for our Anniversary. $500 would more than make up for it!

$1000: An even better getaway with my husband. Maybe something farther away and a little warmer!

$5000: Redoing my bedroom! I would really like to make my bedroom super nice and kind of my own little sanctuary. I would also glady use it to have an RV pad poured on the side of my house. I'm super sick of the mud! I would also gladly put it toward a tropical vacation. It would be hard to choose!

PS... Thanks for the new tunes! :)

Lori Folkman said...

Anne: I had to look up GNO, that's how uncool I am. Yes, I will come to UT and have a GNO with you! I'll be there tomorrow. Oh wait, did you want more advance notice than that? OK, I'll be there Friday. JK. But I wish I wasn't! I too would love some concrete outside, especially this time of year, but buying a slap of concrete sounds so boring! Maybe next week we could post all about boring ways we could spend $6000. :)

Little Miss Devree said...

$5: Try one of those Cool ranch Dorito tacos at Taco Bell
$50: Sims 3 Generations (I'm a Sims nut.)
$100: External hard drive. Those can be handy!
$500: You know at this point I'd just put it together to work towards college. I'm actually REALLY scared about paying for this semester. Cross my fingers!

Lori Folkman said...

Devree: If you go, it will come. (Is this reference lost on a young chick such as yourself? You've seen Field of Dreams, right?) But just in case, you better not buy anymore tacos so you can hold onto that $5. Also because Cool Ranch is gross. :) But that's just my opinion. Nacho cheese is where it's at. I'm crossing all my fingers for you too ... that means I'm typing with my nose. Ouch!