Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Birds And The Bees And The Little Zonkeys

So you've all seen this by now:

This cute little Zonkey was born in Italy a few months ago. Holy stripes, right? She's a cross (obviously) between a zebra and a donkey.

But then there's also this:

Which is a Zebroid. Which is a zebra + any other equine. I'm thinking the papa was a white stallion in this case, but could be mistaken.

There's this:

Camel + Llama= Cama  (BTW, why do we need two Ll's to spell Llama? Is it possible that whoever named the Llama had a lisp and it was written phonetically? I'm being serious. Why? Why in the L?)

And there's also this:

Sheep + Goat= Toast of Botswana (???. The person who named that didn't have a lisp, but did like their liquor.) (Obviously)

I know the first ones are real, but that last one makes me question all hybrid animal pictures. However, I did find them on the internet, so they must be real. Here's 20 of the Coolest (Strangest) Hybrids. The post is brought to you by Toyota, and they say if you want your own hybrid, you should buy a Prius. I don't get it.

At the bottom of the post is this guy:

Aw. Cuteness. It's a St. Basset Hound. (Bernard + Basset). He's all business in the front and party in the back. (???) Do you think he knows that he's not ...normal? And do you think he face plants in his food every day?

You all know about all the super-popular dog cross-breads and their super-awesome portmanteau names like Labradoodle and Goldendoodle and the Huskamute (I think Musky would be a better name.)  I just found this little lady on Wikipedia. It was love at first sight.

It's a Cavapoo. (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel + Poodle) I think any name that ends with "poo" requires a happy sigh. I also hope King Charles likes that his legacy lives on.

Some breeds (and breads, if my spell-checker mind hadn't been working just then) mix well and some, not so much.

If you could combine ANY, and I mean any, two animals: what new breed (or bread) would you create? And what would you name it?

I would like to combine Flamingo legs with an Elephant head. I would call it a Flalelephant. (Say it with me now!)

If you could combine ANY two dogs to create your own trendy dog breed, what would it be?

I would like to combine a Great Dane with a Chihuahua. I would call it a Great Chihuahua. (I know, right?)

If you could combine ANY two mythological creatures/cartoon characters/super villains/super heroes/household items to make something wonkey (ala' JK Rowlingish), what would it be?

I'm thinking the Tasmanian Devil would be really neat crossed with a Unicorn. (Do you get the point? Ha ha. Ha. ..... Ha. ..... Ha ..... Ha. Ha.) I would call it the Devilcorn. That's also what you should call a certain kind of thing that happens after you eat corn. (I'm both disgusting and immature. I'm a hybrid of a nine year old boy and a twelve year old boy.) (Sorry for that one. I'm kind of making myself sick over it. Yet I won't delete. And I don't know why.)

If there is anyone still reading after my cubscout camp-suitable corn joke, it is now your turn to mix breeds! Tells us what you would create if you could play Mad Scientist, or Mad Mother, or just plain Mad. And don't stop at just one! Create as many new breeds as your creative brainy brains can think of! (I'm giving only three examples because I've already typed your ears off. It's really not because I don't have a creative brainy brain. Or is it?) Ready, set, go!


Nicole Jessop said...

Okay, I will get to that after I explode this thing with cuteness.

I would take either one of those adorable little guys!
They are so darling!!!

Lori Folkman said...

Nicole: if I end up with a 3rd dog, I blame YOU! :)

Jennifer Lovell said...

I was wondering if you would allow me the cross of kids + angels. My kids are named Clark, Dana, Audrey, and Tate. That would give me a Clarkangel, a Danangel, an Audrangel, and a Angeltate. I would welcome those into my home today, this moment. For the rest of our lives.

As far as animals go, I think I'll stick with fish that could live in a tank, since I'm not much of a pet person. I think a cute mix would be a goldfish and a star fish, and I would call it a Gold Star. Every time you do something good, it will stick itself to the forehead of your own personal bobblehead that you keep in the tank as decoration :).

Lori Folkman said...

Jenna: You are calling your kids angels? You are a much better mother than me! I call my kids hellions most the time. Oh nuts, I spelled it wrong: I meant minions. :) Is calling your kids angels part of the "Act as if" principle? I wonder if I act like a nice mother I will actually become one? Then I won't have to be a MOMtrocity anymore! (Yes I have a child who calls me that. What a little angel!) Love the gold star idea! I need one of those. BTW, I recently saw those motorized goldfish. I think I will flush our real ones and go for the battery operated kind. That's my kind of pet!

Devree said...

I would mix a boxer puppy with a Kangaroo so it’d be a boxaroo.
A tortoise + a hare = hoitoise.
A Chihuahua + a elephant= that would be ugly. An elehuahua?
A bottle nose dolphin + a clown fish = clowphlin or tiger dolphin
A dragon with a koala bear = Drago-fluff
No back to homework. :P

Devree said...

*now back to homework. Which is why i didn't comment last week.

Lori Folkman said...

Devree!!! Missed you last week. I thought you went to college to have fun, not to do homework. :0 You are so very clever. Would I have become clever if I would have done my homework? Can I go back and try again, or is it too late for me? Your new breeds cracked me up and probably cracked my family up as they watched me try to silently pronounce each of those words. I make weird faces when I'm thinking. I also make weird faces while I'm writing. And I'm telling you this for no reason at all. I guess that means I'm weird. SO by all means, continue to do homework so you won't end up weird like me. Be cool, don't drool, and stay in school. Devree, you rule!

Jennifer Lovell said...

Just wanted to clarify--I wasn't calling my kids angels, I wanted them to get crossed with angels, so that they could be more angelic! :) It's getting close to Christmas now, so I'm hoping they will start being on their best behavior...any day now...

Lori Folkman said...

Jenna: I figured that's what you meant, but I was giving your kids the benefit of the doubt. :) I think kids don't step into their best behavior until they turn 30. (Something to look forward to!)