Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Use Your Words

Something light and simple this week, friends. We are going to discuss the theory of relativity! Ready? Discuss. The floor is now yours:

Oh, um hello. What you still doing here? You DON'T want to discuss the theory of relativity? What a bunch of partay poopers. Shmoopers.

Fine. Let's do something else.

Let's talk about global warming. Ready? Go:

Hmm, I'll take it you don't want to discuss this either. Great. Now what are we going to do?

OK, here's the real topic. For reals for reals. (Maybe. I could hit the space bar some more and try to crash blogger, but I guess I can be mature for a minute or two.)

Some psychologists think that WORD ASSOCIATION can reveal the thoughts of a subconscious mind. These subconscious thoughts can show how we link information, ideas, memories and experiences and how these subconscious thoughts can influence behavior. Some psychologists also think that WORD ASSOCIATION can show IQ. Other folks think that WORD ASSOCIATION is for entertainment purposes only. (Lame!) Whatever the reason for doing WORD ASSOCIATION, it is fun, is it not? I like words, therefore I enjoy most indubitably participating in a wholesome recreational activity that could also be advantageous in deciphering how the human brain functions. So, let's play WORD ASSOCIATION, shall we?

The rules:
I will give you a list of words. You will type in the VERY FIRST WORD you think of. You may not ponder. You may not Google. You may not read comments left by previous commenters. Just type.

And after you associate your words with my list, will you give five or so NEW words for me to associate? When I reply to your comment, I will answer your words, PLUS, I will peek into your mind and give you a psychiatric evaluation and an IQ reading. In case you are wondering, I AM trained and certified to do this, and I will do it at no cost to you. (Other than your pride.) (JK I will be very nice and not pull of any emotional scabs or open any emotional closest you prefer to keep locked.) Sounds like a fun way to spend your internet time today, doesn't it?

Here we go. What is the first word you think of for each of the following:

1. Rain
2. Chocolate
3. Family
4. Pants
5. Diphthong
6. Aardvark
7. Dark
8. Peanut Butter
9. Peter
10. Stage

That's all. Get associating, my associates! Go! Go on! Move em out! Get em up! Rawhide!


Nicole Jessop said...

1. Lord of the Rings and a fire - best way to spend a rainy day
2. milk
3. Steve & Brae
4. Sweats
5. oi
6. Arthur?
7. chocolate - that's a weird one. I don't even like dark chocolate
8. spoon
9. Pan
10. fright

wig, chimney, tree, constant, peppermint

bigskyboys said...

1. Montana
2. good
3. kids
4. love
5. what?
6. nose
7. sky
8. smooth
9. Pan
10. Toddler

widgit, boys, respect, inversion, blue bird

Lori Folkman said...

Nicole: Your psychiatric evaluation: your prognosis is very good! You are a well read, family centered gal who enjoys all the best life has to offer. Your thoughts are conventional, although your method of eating peanut butter is not, but as long as you are eating it while reading a good book, no harm is done.
wig: Devree (sorry Devree, but you're the only gal I know who rocks the wig!)
chimney: sweep
tree: fall
constant: toil
peppermint: tea

Bigskyboys: Your prognosis is also good, however, you are suffering from spring fever and it would do you good to travel outside of MT for a week or so, preferably to somewhere warm and sunny. I am glad that you love pants, which is probably why you didn't understand #5. (Ha ha. bad joke. sorry.) Your number #10 was out of the box, proving the depth of your mental capacities, but also proving your need for a vacation (without children.) :)
widget: (Really?) computers
boys: wild
respect: Obama (did you see that recent news article?)
inversion: Montana
blue bird: not Montana

Are you gals going to evaluate my words? If so, I might have to change some of my answers.

Little Miss Devree said...

1. Wet
2. Sweet
3. Friends
4. Shoes
5. What?
6. Ark
7. Side(Vader)
8. Jelly
9. Pan
10. Lights
Here is yours:
1. Banana
2. Nacho
3. Bald
5. Homework
6. Devotional
7. Board games
8. Movies
9. Petunias
10. Paint

Lori Folkman said...

Devree: you also are very emotionally stable. You are fun, but never so carefree as to forget your shoes. But you do have a dark side, my young padawan. I sense it is because you haven't yet grown out of pb&j. Once you embrace pb and honey, those dark thoughts will be tamed and you will be able to learn about diphthongs.
1. Nut crunch
2. Libre
3. Old
4. Uplifting
5. Lame
7. family fun
8. Date night
9. flowers
10.Sherwin Williams

Lori Folkman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer Lovell said...

1. Favorite
2. Yum
3. Love
4. Church
5. Words
6. Stories
7. Chocolate
8. Baking
9. Piper
10. Sing

Here are your five:

make up, school, butter, entertainment, free

Lori Folkman said...

Jenna: you are an optimistic, buoyant person who radiates happiness to all those around her. You are also a bit of a feminist (#4: wha???). You are a leader (first on not to say Pan) and you are not afraid of the spotlight. (I wonder why no one said coach for #10. Has everyone forgotten the wild west?)
1. pretty 2. sucks 3. Parkay (80's child)4. Netflix 5. food (? I never get free food, don't know where that came from. Hidden desire I guess. I had a dream a few weeks ago that I was part of a massive grocery heist. The rising cost of groceries must be embedded in my subconscious.)

Little Miss Devree said...

I was thinking of Nacho Libre too! Lori your answers exhibit that you enjoy life, make time for fun, and don’t hang out with cancer kids much (or have never been to St. Jude’s.)

Jennifer Lovell said...

You caught me...I've been reading some rather feminist articles lately. There have been a couple about Mormon women in the New York Times this past week or two, so you can guess what slant they wanted to use in their articles.

Lori Folkman said...

Devree: Nacho Libre is THE BEST. And you are exactly right about me: I never hang out around cool young kids who are currently experiencing baldness, just old silly bald guys at church. And I'm in primary--seems like I shouldn't even see bald!

Jenna: we have several women in our ward who wear pants. I don't see the big deal. If you want to wear pants, then wear pants! The only problem is when you wear nothing at all!