I've been busy typing away on a new story. I sort of love it right now and I hope someday you will
Did you know I'm socially awkward? If you don't know this about me, it's only because you've never met me before. But since society has not only accepted nerds, but put them on a pedestal and labeled them HIP(sters), it seems to me that being socially awkward (or being a geek, as we called it back in the 80's) should be the new extrovert.
That's right: being an extrovert (aka popular and likeable) is no longer en vogue. (See how hip I am? I knew to type "en" instead of "in." Yay me!) If you are one of these friendly, gregarious types, you are going to need to switch to the now more-accepted and trendy introvert disposition. But don't worry: I'm here to help you every step of the way.
Here's my guide to being socially awkward:
1. If you see someone you know vaguely in the grocery store, by all means avoid them. Do not make eye contact! An extrovert would say "hi" and engage in friendly conversation, but remember you are no longer an extrovert. If necessary, hide your face in the deep freezer to avoid contact.
2. Although you don't want to be friendly enough to say hello, you should always, always wave back at people, even if you might not know the person initiating the wave. It's always best to return a wave when you are in a crowded location, especially when there are people standing near you who might actually be the intended recipient of said wave. And please make sure your wave isn't a simple palms up, like giving an air five. Make sure your hand looks like it is suffering from an unexpected spasm.
3. When it is necessary to speak with someone--especially someone you admire--make sure you mix up your words as often as possible. Instead of saying "Thank you," say "thankS you," or instead of saying "will do," say "will done." Don't politely shoot the breeze about the breeze (or lack thereof, or whatever the current weather condition); always discuss deeper topics, like, "Have you heard about Pluto? It's a planet again. What a comeback for the underdog, eh?" (It's also socially awkward [and therefore cool] to speak like a Canadian even if you aren't from Canada.)
4. Whenever possible, allow for long, awkward pauses in any (and all) conversations. It is also acceptable not to reply if someone is talking directly to you. Just say, "Oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention to you."
5. Reference bacon frequently.
6. Never compliment. Instead of telling someone they look nice, say, "You look tired. Didn't you get any sleep last night?" or "You're really packing it on. How much weight have you gained this week?" Also acceptable: "You would look nice wrapped in bacon."
7. Good manners are no longer necessary in order to be a part of the socially awkward revolution. You may shovel your food into your mouth with both hands. You may chew with your mouth open. You may also blow your nose loudly when in public. There's no need to stress out over perfectly normal bodily functions which were once deemed impolite or even gross. Just let your body do what it wants to do! Picking your nose, however, is only acceptable when you are in your car.
8. Every once in a while, wear an item of clothing backwards or inside out. Underclothing does not count, as it cannot be seen.
9. If you want to have clout in your community, spread word you are developing a bacon-themed video game.
10. Talk to Siri more than you talk to "real" people.
*I have tried many of these steps myself, but not all. I cannot claim to be perfectly socially awkward, but give me another ten years living like a hermit in the woods and I might achieve the pinnacle of social imperfection.
What tips do you have to help others become more socially awkward? If you are currently an extrovert, perhaps it would help you to think of someone you may know who has exhibited exemplary awkwardness, or perhaps you could mention the opposite of what your past amicable self would do. Share your inner (or outer) nerd with us!
This IS a winning week (or month or whatevs) so make sure you comment by next Tues. the 28th and I will announce a winner on Weds. the 29th. What will you win? Nobody knows! Not even me! We will all be pleasantly surprised, won't we?
And BTW: I've missed each and every one of you (Yes, even the spambots! And the autobots! But not the decepticons.) and I hope all is well with all of y'all this fall! <3
You should always ask someone when their baby is due, regardless of being pregnant. And even better- rub their stomach while you ask.
Also, if you see someone in the grocery store you don't want to talk to, pretend you're on a phone call. It's even better when your phone rings as you're walking by that person.
Nicole: lolololol. and then again lolololol. I have a friend who is pregnant and she was looking at baby things at Walmart and she put something in her cart and a stranger said, "Oh so you are pregnant. I thought you were just fat." Yes, really. :{ That person has master the art of social awkwardness. I admire them greatly. (No, not really) Please tell me example #2 was something you actually did, and may I use it in a story sometime? That is classic. And awesome. (Clawsome?) (That's almost my grandma's last name! She would be so honored that I webstered a word for her!)
Ask women how old they are, and then tell them you thought they were older than that.
Ask people why they think they haven't gotten married yet, had kids yet, or if they've adopted kids, ask them if they love them as much as if they were their "real" kids. Also, ask people how much money they make and then tell them how you would have spent your money differently than they have if you had their money.
Pretend like you're reading books upside down in public, and burst out in laughter every so often.
When you have people over for dinner, tell your family to reveal all of your dirty secrets about how the dinner is questionable because you dropped part of it on the floor, or tell them to pull a hair out of their food and make a big stink about it right in front of your guests. Oh wait...when my family did that I was really mad at them, so don't actually do this one. (For reals.)
Have a big fight with your spouse or children in the middle of the parking lot or store aisle.
Children are great at being extroverted awkwards as they ask strangers why their nose is so big or why their skin is so dark!!!
Swear like a sailor when young impressionable children are around.
Jenna: Love that first one: I'll have to use it on someone soon! (And then be prepared to get slapped!) Your dinner disaster makes me cringe! Did you sent them to their rooms without any dessert? Kids are the best at being socially awkward! I remember one of my boys asking why a lady was so fat VERY LOUDLY while we were at the store. It almost caused me to shoplift because I could not get out of that store fast enough!
LivingsonsbackfromDisneyland!: I know that you have done all of these, especially the swearing one. Your swearing reputation is legen ... (wait for it) ... dairy! Hardy har. Gotta love kids for keeping us parents humble (see comment above.) But maybe it's good kids say what they want because they could say to a swearing sailor: didn't your mom ever tell you those are potty words? You owe me a quarter!
Hi world! I have crawled a little out of the dark abyss of college homework. It's probably gonna suck me back in soon but I'll comment real quick.
Awkward: never say anything when someone tells you they like you. Don't look at them, don't make a sound, don't nod or move.
Also, when you're at a party especially, stand in the corner playing games on you iPhone, Kindle, etc.
I think that's all I got right now. Ahhh! The homework's pulling me back! Bye! Missed you guys!
I have to say that I am pretty good at being awkward...so I should have some good answers for this. Although, maybe they just apply to middle school...
1. When you see someone in public (friend or acquaintance,) say hi, then awkwardly stand there in silence and nod your head until you decide to back away slowly to return to what you are doing.
2. Talk about something that annoys you to someone that you know does it all the time.
3. When people are talking about a movie or book that they love tell them that you aren't allowed to read/see it.
4. When you are reading or working in a group finish way before everyone and sit there doing nothing.
5. Read a book while everyone else around you is talking.
6. Point out to someone that they wore the same shirt that week already.
Devree! I've been worried about you and I've meant to email you forever, but my fingernails are too long and it's really hard for me to type, so I didn't. (I know it's a lame excuse, but I just SO love having long and glamorous nails, you know?) (Actually not, I've never ever had a manicure so clearly that's not my excuse for why I'm lame and haven't email you!) Anywho, I want the name of the dimwitted dude who didn't show any emotion whatsoever and left some really cute girl hanging because that is SO WRONG and I'm going to go rough him up! (I'll claw him with my long nails!) I think it would be even more socially awkward to not have your face glued to the screen in the corner of a party, but to do it front and center. And if someone is talking to you, it would be even better! Glad you are surviving college (just barely!) Devree!
Didi: Oh my gosh, these are perfect! The entire middle school experience is just awkward, isn't it? In fact I was going to do a post on middle school last month, but I couldn't type it because of my long nails (see comment to Devree above). We should make camouflage for middle school so you can look like a locker or a bookshelf and then when you have to slowly slink away after saying hi to someone but then nothing else, you can just fade into the background and no one will be the wiser! I have just come up with a mufti-million dollar idea, haven't I? <3
My mom read a book that says middle school is the armpit of life. My friend and I decided high school is the hairy chest of life because some people like and some people don't. :)
Devree: hilarious! You should be nominated for a Nobel Prize for coming up with that one. Too bad I'm not on the selection committee. :(
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