Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Crushing Memory

So it's December! (I'm using an exclamation this time to indicate that I am now excited about this month rather than dreading it. Or at least I'm trying to pretend like I'm excited. Maybe I'll add a few more !!! to help force the enthusiasm.) It's December!!!!!! What does that mean on the blog? Well, that means it's going to be a short month. My kids are out of school on the 16th. Stop and think about that for a second. If you think, how lovely that Lori gets to spend an entire week with all five children twenty-four hours a day for eight days before the holiday, reconsider using the word lovely. The word mayhem might be more appropriate. So due to this early Christmas break, I will only be doing two posts this month: this week's and next week's. Then I will be staying away from the computer so we can have some "quality family time." Next week, the theme will obviously be something Christmassy.

That leaves this week to review the blog year of 2011:

We had lots of fun, didn't we? I met new friends, found old ones and I was supported in the launch of my two books by many amazing, clever, fun, and beautiful women. Thanks everyone!

I try not to look at statistics, but I couldn't help but noticing that one post this year far surpassed all other posts (over double the amount of page-views.) Do you know what post that was? It was the Wilder Times dream cast post. I think maybe, possibly, it has something to do with the handsomeness of some of the men I selected to be in the movie.

Since I am here to entertain you lovely ladies, I kinda feel like I should do what pleases the masses and display more pictures of handsome men. But no, my conscience will not let me do so. I will not post pictures of good-looking guys without due cause.

So I will not be posting any pictures of this guy:

Nor will I be posting pictures of this guy:

And I DEFINITELY will not be posting (more) pictures of this guy:

No, I will not drag this blog down into the gutter of man-lust! But we will talk about guys, or more specifically, about our first crushes. Do you remember back in your tween days? Back when you first realized that boys weren't stinky, gross, mean and stupid? Most likely, your first crush was the unobtainable celebrity crush. It was so much safer to set your sights on a guy you would never have to actually talk to, or even be in the same room with. My first celebrity crushes were:

Tom in Top Gun. I saw that movie SO many times. (Because of the fighter jets of course.)

Ricky Nelson, from watching "Ozzie and Harriet" reruns. I was devastated when I learned that he died just as I was entering my tween years.

And Kirk Cameron. I think I had that exact poster on my bedroom wall.

Like I said, the teen heartthrob guys were a much safer place for my awkward teenage affections. In real life, I was much too clumsy and airheadish to associate with any guy except those who were in the chess club.

Want to hear a painful real-life first crush story? Of course you do!

When I was twelve, I liked this one fellow so so so so so much (that would be a direct quote from my diary). Every other girl I knew liked this same fellow as well, including my sister. My odds weren't good. I was much too shy to talk to him, but I probably stared at him plenty from across the room in a stalker-esque sort of way. (Which by the way, is a great way to get noticed. Negative attention is better than no attention at all.) Well one time, we were playing volleyball at a youth activity and I got hit square in the face with the ball (I have snail reflexes; hiya!). It was painful, and I knew it was going to make my nose bleed, but I tried to laugh it off. Like it's so funny to have a volleyball SCRAB on your face. He came up to me, being ever so kind and compassionate, and said, "Oh my gosh, are you all right?" It was the first time he'd ever talked to me. And do you know what my response was? I whinnied. Just like a horse getting dragged to the glue factory. Seriously, I made this awful "neigh-ya-hahaha-waawaawaa" sound and then I ran away. I spent the rest of the night hiding in the bathroom, too ashamed to show my many shades of red (from the volleyball, from blushing, and then from crying) face. I think that was the only interaction I ever had with him. Thankfully we moved away a short time later. (My parents probably heard of this embarrassing fiasco and knew they must move quickly in order to salvage my reputation and enable me to become date-able material.)

So since I've shared TMI, will you please share as well? What posters of cute guys did you have on your walls? (Or do you still have on your walls if you are of that age or if you have a husband who doesn't mind you decorating your room with the faces of other men?) Also, tell me about your first REAL crush. Did it turn into anything? Did you embarrass yourself like I did? Do tell! And not to worry, your most private details are safe with us.


Nicole Jessop said...

Oooh, celebrity crushes! I LOVE that you had Ricky Nelson up. Rip Bravo is one of my very favorite movies! Dean Martin, Ricky Nelson and John Wayne- you just can't go wrong!

Definitely had a crush on Val Kilmer in Top Gun. Actually, Steve and I just talked about this the other day! Val was hot back in the day but definitely is not anymore. :( Um, Matthew McConnaghey. Still remember watching the Wedding Planner and loving him. Not anymore though. His personal life has ruined him for me. And of course, loved Brad Pitt.

My first crush was a childhood friend that I did everything with. We always hung out whether at school or church and our families were good friends. When we were in 6th grade, his Dad took custody of him and he moved away to Illinois. I have no idea where he is now.

LStevens said...

Celebrity crushes.....Donny Osmond was at the top of my list, Shaun Cassidy. They were the hot stuff when I was a teen. ;-) Telling my age here a little bit.
My first crush was named John, we actually became a couple, if you can call it that. WE shared a few kisses..and then he ended up breaking my heart and went to someone new. The thrill of the first crush...so exciting. There was one other guy, I really thought was hot stuff, Scott...I knew that would never come to pass...oh well......I have the man of my dreams now ..the past is the past. :)

The Rowley's said...

Celebrity crush that adorned my bedroom wall top to bottom: Josh Hartnett. I watched Pearl Harbor religiously. For the fighter jets too of course. Now I am quite the fan of Ryan Gosling.

As far as real life crushes... oh man do we even want to get into those horrific details? Like how I seriously stalked this beautiful boy so I knew exactly which staircase to take so Id bump into him? Or how I had my friend pretend she was in yearbook so she could take a picture of him? Or how I would go to all his basketball games and salivate from the bleachers sneaking a few photos in myself? Let's just stop there shall we? Like I said, horrific.

Rosie said...

Hmm..Brad Pitt has always been the top of my list but these days I'm totally loving Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock Holmes comes out on my bday weekend. He planned that for me you know. ;)

First real life crush was a guy at my church. I was 5 and he was like 15-ish. I thought he was sooooo cute. If I looked back at pics now he would prob look totally dorky.

Anne said...

Celebrity Crushes: Johnathan Taylor Thomas.Probably my first crush too. I thought he was SO cute! Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt and Slater from Saved by the Bell.

My first real life crush lived up the street from my friend and we would frequently walk up and down the street to see if he was home and then if he came out side we would run by or run quickly back to her house...(hands over face, shaking head) Man I was a dork!

Jennifer Lovell said...

I think this is my favorite blog. I have enjoyed every subject you have posted.

I hope your volleyball scrab didn't last too long--and, isn't it too bad this guy didn't think of kissing it better for you? : )!

Thanks for helping me recall my first crush--I was 8 and he was 13...RICKY SCHROEDER. Silver Spoons was his show, and my parents got a big kick out of letting me get my "Ricky fix" once a week on our probably black and white TV. I had pictures of him on my wall for sure, and I remember one time one of my brothers got in big trouble for putting lipstick on Ricky's mouth. Can you believe he would do such an insensitive thing?

My first big non-celebrity crush was when I was 12, he was 12, and we would stare at each other in church. I was best friends with his younger sister. But once school started he chose to be mean to me, and I'll never forget the day when he was walking up the hall towards me with a girl under each arm--one was his pretty cousin, and the other was another popular girl, and he said to me in passing, "I like you!" and all 3 of them busted up laughing. Oh, man. That was probably the end of my crush right there.

Who is my biggest crush these days? That's easy: Hugh Jackman : ).

Lori Folkman said...

Jessops: I agree with you about some fellows losing their appeal. And I'm glad that guy moved away so you could catch Steve!

LStevens: I had a Donny Osmond barbie doll when I was young. He even had the purple socks. I loved him. :)

Rowley's: I bet he had the hots for you and you didn't know it. Who wouldn't have the hots for you Goddess of Beauty.

Rosie: I'm sorry, you can't go see Sherlock Holmes for your birthday. I was planning on taking you sledding. And I'm serious! (Some snow would be nice!)

Anne: JTT was so cute, wasn't he?! Loved his voice in Lion King.

JazznJenna: thanks for the compliment! Ricky (now Rick) Schroeder was one of my favorites too. I loved that show! And good point, my fellow wasn't all that suave if he didn't even offer to kiss it better. I'm glad you ended that crush quickly. That guy was a dumbiot!

Bakerfam said...

Childhood crush? Don't you know I have selective memory loss... JTT, probably because my little sister was way more cool than I and was "in" I was such an awkward thing. (I remember my cousin saying that my hair was insanely big and that I was funny looking.)JTT did have a cute smile, bout his brother Brad was one of my favorites thanks for the memory jog.

Matt Damon is a favorite, the Borne series. Hmmm
My first crush was in third grade, I don't remember any specifics,But we stayed close friends through high school and still keep in touch.

Livingstonslifeinmontana said...

I started crushing early. It was 1st grade...his name was Todd..I chased him around the playground and he didn't give me the time of day!
I had continuous crushes throughtout my growing up years, wayyyyy to many to list. But one comes to mind in 9th grade...his name was Jaime. He was a senior. I thought he was so cute, I even changed the way I brushed my hair so it was parted the same side that his was. (what a dork) I asked him to dance at one of the church dances. I crushed on him all year and he knew it!! My journal was filled with entries about how much I loved him! I saw him about 10 years later and he didn't even recognize me. I had to tell him who I was and I think he was just a little bit disappointed that he didn't give me the time of day back then. (ha ha...just kidding)
Famous crushes were Ricky Nelson, Elvis Presley and Cary Grant. I had them on my wall. (I always thought I was born in the wrong era)

Caitlin said...

Lori, that story was epic! Haha!
I think I’m chronically stuck in the awkward tween phase, so I have a whole list of celebrity crushes, beginning with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, James Franco, Heath Ledger, and James Dean. The early Leonardo DiCaprio wasn’t that bad before he got old and fat!

My first real-life crush dates back to kindergarten. His name was Gunner and he had spiky blond hair. I was head over heels. Then one day he leaned over to me and whispered, “Can I tell you a secret? I like Natasha!” Natasha was the girl in our class with hummingbird earrings that every girl was jealous of. My five-year-old heart was broken. My love life hasn't improved much since.

Anonymous said...

While I won't admit to a celebrity crush, I will say that I like a good Matt Damon movie any time!

First crush - Craig F. I'm not sure how old I was, but I do remember chasing him after Primary while I was waiting to go home.(That was way back when it was on a weekday.) As we got a little older, we would see each other at the roller rink on Saturdays. Once he got brave enough to ask me to skate on the couple's skate. Heaven! We stayed friends through high school and he ended up marrying my college roommate! Fond memories!
