Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Waiter, There's An Eye In My Soup

October is a weird month, isn't it? The creepy, gory, frightening and strange are not only embraced, but handed to children on platters. See:

(Double the pun for double the fun!)

Meatloaf hand. You can find the instructions here in case you want to traumatize your family and make certain they never crave meatloaf again.

Not only can you nail your family with a creepy meal, you can also take finger foods to classroom parties and raise your popularity into the double digits:

What's that you say? Witches fingers aren't eye catching enough to be the winning pick for your Halloween party? These scary eyeballs are worth a second glance (just like Sally's house!). You might want to roll with it and give these babies a shot ...

...because they are made with Babybel cheese! Yes! We need healthy snacks on Halloween! Too much sugar can leave your little ones with an upset stomach. Then they might do this:

I've heard of pumpkin chucking before, but I've never knew that it meant pumpkin chucking. I thought it had something to do with catapults and propulsion rockets. But you don't need to call that poor little pumpkin a dip for making a mess like that: he's actually doing the earth a favor by going green.

And just in case that's not enough to turn your stomach, how about this one:

Blood worms, made with Jello. Do I look like all the blood has drained from my face because I feel like I am just inches away from going the way of the earth.

OK, I think I have made my point. (And I'm really fishing for puns.) We want our children to be kind, respectful, considerate, compassionate, degenerate, and cannibals. We always ask them if they have wax in their ears ...

(Yes, more edible yummieness. You must go see this blog. Unless you already ate lunch, then you might want to wait a bit.)

...but maybe it's because we are sending them mixed messages. We tell them not to play with their food, but what do you call creating all of these grotesque treats? PLAYING WITH FOOD! No wonder the rising generations are turning to drugs to erase all the damage inflicted by creative parents!

This really isn't a post about tearing Halloween to shreds like Freddy Krueger at a Tempur-Pedic factory outlet. It's possibly the longest, most indirect way to introduce a blog topic ever. I'm rather proud of myself for wasting your time like a mummy in a bathroom.

This post is really about the gross stuff we eat--or mostly about the stuff that we think is gross but that other people love. You know--the stuff that you'd rather die than eat.

My list of gross foods I can't stomach:

Seafood. Of any kind. I can occasionally take a small bite of fish if it is smothered in sauce--but I can never do lobster, crab, shrimp ... and sushi! If I was stranded on an island and was facing starvation, I would rather eat the leather off the volleyball than eat sushi!

Eggs. I do not like them scrambled, boiled, over easy, under easy, in a tree, or in a boat.

Venison. I can eat it ... especially if I don't know what it is, but once I'm told that I just ate Bambi, I get ready to make guacamole. I can't eat anything that I saw alive: like that squirrel that had been living in our tree all summer. When he finally got taken out, I just couldn't bring myself to cooking him up in a stew.

And now for foods that aren't foods or aren't meant for human consumption: have you ever eaten anything like worms or goldfish or something else really nasty you did on a dare?  The only thing like that I ever ate was dog food. When I was in college, some guys gave us a plate of snacks--like pretzel rolls and stuff. And dog food was mixed in. But it wasn't like they were telling us we were dogs (at least I hope that's not what it meant!), but it was done on a dorm prank day. We were blonde enough to forget it was prank day and we gobbled up the treats until we realized we were foaming at the mouth.

What food makes you want to bring out your witches wand so you can do a vanishing spell? And what food did you eat that should have remained in the witches cupboard?


Nicole Jessop said...

You really wouldn't like coming to dinner at our house....

I really don't like spicy food, but that's because I'm a wimp.

I hate twinkies, I would never eat one of them unless I was forced to. They're so nasty and bland, I don't know why people like them.

I can't really think of anything else I don't like! I've found that most of the foods I hated as a child, just weren't cooked right. Didn't like white meat and most vegetables, well, I found new recipes and they're all good. I've even tried eggplant and kale. I guess we still haven't really eaten green beans, but I haven't tried them. Oh! Coleslaw! Disgusting.

In high school Chemistry, my teacher cooked mealworms and I ate one of those. It's the only thing I've ever eaten on a dare.

Jennifer Lovell said...

I like most everything. I don't mind spicy, as long as it's not fire hot (for my salsa I prefer mild but I can eat medium if that's all there is...but I pass completely on the hot).

What I really don't like to eat are foods where fat (butter/oil) or white flour are the #1 ingredient. I can't eat stuff dripping in fat. That would make me gag. I'm not saying I avoid all deep fried things, it just depends on how much fat stays in the food.

The grossest thing I've ever eaten on a dare is snail. I don't plan on repeating that experience. I don't care for oysters, either. Actually I can't remember if I've ever eaten one, but I don't plan to.

I would not like to eat or even see any of those disgusting Halloween foods that you showed us. I was actually thinking you were going to ask us how we feel about Halloween, and I was about ready to go off on that. Halloween=not my favorite. Blech.

Anne said...

I like most foods... I am not super picky. I can't believe you don't like some of those things... eggs? Really? What do you guys eat for breakfast? I am not creative enough to make anything else.

I saw the jello worms and I actually thought it was kind of a fun idea. It looks way grows but I bet my boys would love it.

I have eaten 1 red ant, 1 black ant and 1 worm. The ants was because I had an older brother tell me they tasted like cinnamon and mint and the worm was on a dare. I don't plan to eat any of them again.... and for the record ants taste like gross not like cinnamon or mint!

Anne said...

* gross ** not grows! Dang that typo!

gram said...

Lori.. these 'foods' look really disgusting... but fun! (I'm Judi's mom)

Caitlin said...

Is it bad that I want to make all of those for halloween? I'm really getting in the holiday spirit this year. I mean, we have real turkey bones hanging up as decorations. It doesn't get much creepier than that.

Wow, I'm with you one hundred percent on the seafood and eggs. I've never tried venison, but I would feel terrible eating a little deer!

I don't think I've ever eaten anything that strange. Although, I think I made my sister try dog treats to see if they were any good (they weren't).

Lori Folkman said...

Nicole: I would to like to come to your house for dinner because you owe me a batch of cinnamon rolls! I would eat that and you could eat the fish and eggs. Maybe the reason I don't eat those things is because my taste buds are still immature--like the rest of me. Mealworms? Ew! I hope you got an A!

JazznJenna: We know some people who deep fry their oreo's. Sound like your kind of treat? :) I'm not much of a fan of fried foods either, although I can be tempted by french fries and onion rings. Please pass the ranch dressing!

Anne: two words: COLD CEREAL. Is there any other kind of breakfast?
You've had escargot? You are so sophisticated! I like your brother's creativity: red ants do look like they should be cinnamon flavored. Poor you. You are too trusting. And typos--you know they are like crap, right? I won't expound.

Caitlin: Real turkey bones? I think you have your holidays wrong: that's what happens after Thanksgiving. I'm glad your taste buds haven't matured yet either. We can go to Red Lobster together and order chicken. And your poor sister! I hope you make it up to her by giving her your car for the next 18 months!

Devree said...

Fish! Seafood of any kind is a no no. Except for tuna because, if prepared correctly, you can't taste the fishiness. When I went on my first date, he and his adopted brother were making dinner and they asked my favorite kind of food. I said anything EXCEPT FISH. So he brought me some Swedish fish. I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't like these either. He gave them to me between classes so when class started I "shared" with my fiends.
I can't eat hot cheetos because I choke on the powder. I don't do spicy things. they make my tummy sad. I also can't drink anything carbonated very much.
I don't like some foods but I'll eat them quickly to get them off of my plate. I save the best stuff for last.
Nicole, I've had kale because my mom LOVES to try new things. There's worse things, I'll tell you that much. :)

Anonymous said...

-heather- I love fish- nothing else from water. We once order Calamari, it was rubbery and not so good- then I found out it was squid. That made it worse. I did a double date and the guys ordered sea food spaghetti! I had never seen anything so nasty as all the octopus and squid and other things!

PaulaShawn said...

Does anyone in your family ever crave meatloaf in the 1st place?

It's good to be back! I thought I only failed to check in for a couple of days and then I checked in and there were a few posts I'd never seen. Been too busy enjoying fall! Lori, you NEED to come and soak it in with me. Just because it's a possibility due to the weather, I may go kayaking this week. It's sooooo gorgeous! And it's the latter half of October! Janice and I had a fun "run" through a quaking aspen forest yesterday. She proved that she has buns of steel.

I'm glad I missed out on the house description. That'd be a hard one. But you are 2 funny!

I don't do authentic foods from any other culture. To be honest, I don't even do authentic food from some of my own country's sub-cultures (Louisiana on the bayou, Florida and its alligators, Montana and its road kill).

I'm not a spice girl. I'm not into gourmet. I'm pretty plain and simple. Just like the house I am.

Lori Folkman said...

Devree: yes, tuna is not real fish: it is chicken of the sea. Ha! I will eat it too if I'm desperate,so long as it is doused with mayo and covered with cheese. But you do take your fish avoidance much farther than I do: the only kind of candy I ever buy for myself is red Swedish fish. Mmm. Unless I have a cavity. Then ow!

Heather: seafood spaghetti? Thanks for making me gag! One time we ate at a Chinese buffet (that's never a good idea, but alas, we did) and my sweet little princess girl was just a toddler and she was eating a mixed seafood dish and I realized she was eating a tentacle! My reaction may have traumatized her because now she doesn't like seafood either. Oops.

Paulashawn: where have you been? I've been so worried about you! But I'm kinda getting the feeling that you are saying you've been out having fun and not on my blog because it's not fun. Is that what meant to say? Because that is what I read between the lines. I also read something about my sweet sister having buns of steel. TMI Paula!
For the record: Montanans don't eat roadkill, as there is always abundant freshkill. I think you got us confused for the deserts of Nevada. Which shouldn't be confused with the desserts of Nevada. Do they have good desserts there? I will come visit if you take me out for desserts every night. Deal? (And I know you're not a Spice Girl. Your name is not Posh, it's Paula.)

Missy said...

@Anne- that dang older brother of yours! Good thing he's cute! :)

There are few things I wouldn't eat if it's what there was to eat, but there are lots of things that just aren't worth eating to me.

I don't like peanut butter, especially pb with chocolate. Chocolate doesn't do much for me, in fact, chocolate cake is probably one of the few things I've ever eaten that I spit out because I just couldn't stomach it. I don't like Little Debbie/Hostess garbage and I don't like donuts.

Mostly it's about preparation more that the type of food, I don't care for under seasoned, under (or over) cooked food.

I LOVE veggies & fruits and sushi is a FAVORITE of mine (especially with plenty of eel sauce and caviar). I hope we can still be friends :)

I have eaten a lot of strange things (alligator, eel, snake, caribou, antelope, buffalo, snail, squid, octopus, duck, oysters) and I didn't mind most of them.

When I was little I ate some cat food, my memory is that it pretty much tastes like it smells. I also ate a few flies once when my stinky older brother hid them in peanut butter (hence the dislike of pb).

Janice said...

Don't you hate it when your sisters talk about you on a blog for the world to see? Thanks to Paulashawn my Buns of Steel can hardly sit today!

Anyway - food is the topic! Lori,we must be related because I also do not do seafood, eggs, and venison. I do like eggs when they are in cookie dough, however! I'm finding more and more that I really do not like Mexican food, especially the authentic type. Plain and simple food is my favorite-nothing fancy or gourmet.

Lori-I will make you a years worth of dessert if you come visit!

Lori Folkman said...

Missy- What's with the big brothers? This makes me worry about what my boys are doing to their little sister when I'm not looking. I'm sorry that he ruined pb for you, but why on earth don't you like chocolate??? If I end our friendship, it's because of this and not because you love seafood. What's with all the scary stuff you have eaten? Were you on Fear Factor or something? Or do you just go to an exotic critters grocery store somewhere in UT? BTW, you are out of the meal rotation for the next family reunion. ;)

Janice: at least she didn't say anything bad, like you have a sagging front porch. She said your back porch is reinforced with steel, and that is a great selling ... (I will not use that word, I will not use that word, I will not use that word)asset. (I used that word.) We most certainly are not related if you don't like Mexican food! I've discovered that I'm at least 3/4 Mexican because that's what I eat almost all the time. Start your baking because I'm on my way! ... Soon, I hope!

Sally said...

I grew up a very picky child. My husband has done wonders in de-pickifying me. But I still won't eat refried beans. I mean, really, we all know what they look like... And let's not forget my bionic nose. If it smells bad to me, there's no way it's going in my mouth.

I generally don't like slime: mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, salad dressing. I do like BBQ sauce, though. Go figure.

We eat a lot of ethnic foods: Vietnamese, Thai, Indian, a variety of Middle Eastern, Korean, Chinese, and more. It's fun. I've eaten some unidentifiable things at Korean BBQ and Dim Sum restaurants. I've eaten alligator and octopus, but no chicken feet.

My husband is allergic to onions, and I just really don't like garlic, so that sometimes puts a damper on our food adventures.

Lori Folkman said...

Sally: de-pickifying? Now that's a good word. I want to webster that one. Although it sounds like it could be painful if not implemented correctly. So if you don't like slime, do you not eat jello? And based on your avoidance of garlic and onions, I'm guessing you have the freshest breath in all of AZ!

Sally said...

Lori, I don't eat jello if I can help it. I tend to associate it with vomiting or being really sick otherwise. You know, "Jello is soft and easy to eat." And why don't you come down here and smell my breath? My house is clean and dinner's in the crock pot.

Lori Folkman said...

Sally: oddly enough, I only like Jello when it has stuff in it, especially pretzels and cream cheese fluffy stuff. Mmmm. I will come and smell your breath--just as soon as it gets into the single digits here in MT. Will you keep dinner in the crock pot that long?