Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Not-Naked Winner

I've come to the conclusion that if the frontier years are going to be relived, it will have to be done without clothes on. As in naked. No one liked the clothes back then, so what is the other option? In fact, I think it would make a great TV series. Remember PBS's Frontier House? It'd be like that, but I'd call it Naked Frontier. Oooo, that's good. It gave me goosebumps. Or maybe the goosebumps came from thoughts of being naked in Montana in the winter. Burr! Not a good mental image either. I might have to put a "R" rating on the blog. Sorry about that.

I have repented and I shall now show you the coveted prize:

It's a scarf and matching gloves. Why this prize? Because I LOVE scarves. The Renaissance did not have scarves, therefore I will not be time-traveling to Europe to live in a castle. Every time you see someone wearing a scarf, you can think to yourself, "I am so glad there are scarves otherwise there would be no more Lori. And what would we do without Lori to write our blog for us??? Oh ... there'd be that other guy. Steven! Yes, Steven could write our blog for us!"

And this week's winner is: (Just clicked on and I am laughing my head off!) #11. Steven! It will look fab on you! Please send a picture. (Or you can just give it to your sweet gal for Valentines. She'd never know where it came from. Right, Nicole?)

Anyone who thinks Steven should write us a guest post about his bizarre dreams, please leave me a comment. We are a democracy around here, so if we have enough votes, he will HAVE to do it.


Nicole Jessop said...

ha ha ha, awesome! Can't you just picture how great he will look in it? It will be so preppy! I will definitely have to send you a picture! And as for him guest blogging..... I think it would make a great post! You might want to have him post about something other than his dreams because, trust me, they get weird! Makes you wonder what is going on in that head of his..... ;P

PaulaShawn said...

I wish the presidential election could be this civil - I vote for Steven!

Anne said...

Vote for Pedro...err.. Steven! Where wildest dreams come true! Can't wait Bud!

Devree said...

I'm SO bummed I missed the blog about living in a different time! I definately should have lived in Danielle de Barbarac's time(Ever After) I always think Renaissance dresses are so much more beautiful than any modern dresses. For my birthday I got to pick out fabric for one to be made for me. I'm going to wear it to my senior prom! Anyway, Back to what this is supposed to be about, Steven should SO write about his dreams! It'll be fun. My older brother, who is serving a mission in the Philippines, has the most random thoughts when spacing out. His post could be a lot of fun!

Lori Folkman said...

Devree: I just watched Ever After again yesterday! Ah. I want pictures of the prom dress!

Nicole: What does he eat before he goes to bed???

Paulashawn: Next presidential election, I'm in charge.

Anne: ha ha ha! That was a good one, clever girl!

Nicole Jessop said...

Nothing too out of the ordinary, always the same thing I have for dinner..... maybe it's all of the chocolate milk he insists on having! That's the only thing that's different. That must be it, chocolate milk is the answer. No more chocolate milk for him, in other words... no more happiness, ever!