Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tell Me a Story ...

Update: The rule to wait for two other comments before you leave another word has be rescinded. Give me your words! Quickly! Before the world runs out of words!

If you are like me and have a photographic memory, (hahahahahahahaha) (I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at me. But not as in: ha ha Lori, you are funny; as in ha ho Lori-o, your memory is pathetic.) you might remember how last year at this time I was participating in NaNoWriMo. For the non-writers out there (aka sane people), NaNoWriMo is a challenge to write a 50,00 word novel during the month of November. I loved participating last year and proudly posted my progress in a little gadget on the blog where I was all: "Look at me and my awesomeness."

This year, I have no awesomeness.

But rather than sitting around, wallowing in the sauce that will no longer gel with the awesome, I have decided to lean on you, my BlogAway friends. Will you help me write a story?

It's a short story. And it's Mad Libs style!

So here's how it works:

Fill in the word.

Need I say more?


OK. Fill in the words in order.

The words are numbered to help us keep track, so all you need to do is look at the comment above you to make sure you give me the next sequential word. If it takes you a while to think of a word, hit refresh on your browser to make sure someone hasn't left a comment in the meantime. You may comment more than once (in fact, I  plan on you doing just that!), but you must let two other people comment in between. That way, everyone gets plenty of chances to play along. Got it?

Here's your list:

1. name
2. adjective
3. body part
4. another body part
5. attribute
6. name
7. noun
8. adjective
9. adjective
10. verb + ing
11. place
12. verb
13. person of respect
14. nonphysical verb
15. proper place
16. verb
17. simile using in a. (blank in a blank)
18. proper place
19. adjective
20. noun
21. simile using as a. (blank as a blank)
22. adverb+ly
23. noun+s
24. color
25. verb
26. place
27. person
28. noun
29. animal
30. body part
31. type of food
32. body part
33. verb+en
34. person
35. noun

Comments need to be left by Weds. at 9 p.m. and then I will fill in the blanks and publish the story.  Yes, I have already written the story, and no, I will not change it to help it make sense, nor will I change it to make it sillier. If we get to #35 before Weds. at 9, I will try to post the story earlier. (I love the word try. I don't have to commit when I use that word.) And since I don't want to interrupt the flow in the comment thread, I probably won't be commenting on your words. But I'll be watching. Always watching! (Did that sound creepy to you guys? Because it totally sounded creepy in my head.)

And just a small disclaimer--I have never written a Mad Libs before. This might turn into a horrific train-wreck of a blog post and will end up on the list of Worst Blog Fails of 2012. (Ooh, that has a nice ring to it!) If that is the case, please continue to __________ and don't think me __________. Danke _______.


Nicole Jessop said...

1. Andrew

Anonymous said...



Jennifer Lovell said...

3. face

The Rowley's said...


Anne said...


Sally said...

5. fascinating

Shelley said...


Livingstonslifeinmontana said...

7. Pyramid

Jennifer Lovell said...

looks like you got two number 4s, or 2 number 5s?

8. silly

Devree said...

9. Polka-dot!

Team C said...


Team C said...


Nicole Jessop said...

10. Arco, Idaho

Didi said...

Nicole had the place (#11), so I'll do 12: flailing

Jennifer Lovell said...


(You thought I was going to say Hugh Jackman, didn't you?!)

Lori Folkman said...

You guys! It's working (ish.)Great words--keep em coming! (Jenna, thank you, but we all know I am not at all respectable. I talk to myself. I CRAZY!)

PaulaShawn said...

Think (14)

PaulaShawn said...

I'm breaking the rules & commenting twice in a row. But look at how cute you are in all your blog pics. Stop sitting around being so cute! Don't you have better or more important things to do?

Anonymous said...

Morgan Utah -

Nicole Jessop said...

15. squished

Anonymous said...

17.it was as fast as a peanut in a tutu
19. boring
20. Ford

PaulaShawn said...

21. As stuffed as a Thanksgiving turkey

Devree said...

21. Red as a rose?
22. joyfully
23. toes
24. purple!
25. dance
26. St. Jude's
27. Jonathan Rhys Meyers
28. pineapple
29. koala
30. armpit
I hope that's helpful! I'll look right before I go to bed and if you still need words I'll supply them! :)

PaulaShawn said...

22. Smugly
23. Keys

PaulaShawn said...

24. Scarlet
25. Moon-walk
26. Womb

Devree said...

31. Empanadas

Devree said...

32. ...Nose."Moses supposes his nose is roses but Moses supposes erroneously!"

Devree said...

33. laden
34. Mr. Rodgers
35. fingernail

Lori Folkman said...

Thank you thank you thank you! Now we will sing the song "No More Words."