Tuesday, October 29, 2013

No More Doom and Gloom and Ghouls and Goblins: The Month is Over and We Have A Winner. (AKA The Longest Blog Title Ever.)

Winner! Winner! Winner!

That's about all I have the brainpower to say because ... yeah ....

I've learned that Halloween is designed to actually kill parents, or at the very least, make them look like the undead. So don't expect any amusement from me whatsoever, as it seems my brain is in a dish somewhere for children to feel and get grossed out and try to guess if it's just spaghetti, or in fact, a real, live -- er, um DEAD--brain. (Hey why doesn't blogger let you do em-dashes? Why has no one ever addressed this issue? Please tell me I'm not the only one annoyed by this.)

Anywhichway, we have a winner!

Random.org selected week #2, about Halloween Costumes. 

And then ... Random.org again selected something totally random: comment #6 from that week.

The prize is thus:

Which would look fabulouso in a hurricane vase, but then I realized NO WAY was I going to ship glass across the country, so it is vase-less, which is better than being bra-less, so it is like it is and you're just going to be happy to get something snappy, right MARY? That's right MARY, you're the next winner on BLOGAWAY. Oh yay! And happy day!

And totally ironic that I could have gotten the vase since I don't have to ship it to my neighbor Mary, but oh well. C'est le vie. Or so I'm told. Mary, you do have a vase you can use, don't you? If not I will get busy with my glass-blower and make you one. (Disclaimer: that was a lie.) 

I know where to find you, Mary. The rest of y'all, have a very happy Scare Day! See ya next week!

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