I have had a difficult time finding a personality test that reads me correctly though. Every time I take one, I find that my personality is equally distributed across all areas. For example, I'm a quarter red, a quarter blue, a quarter white, a quarter yellow. It's almost like they think I have multiple personalities! Which is weird because you guys know that's far from the case! So I have come up with my own personality test, and since the colors have already been copyrighted, as well as letters and numbers, my personality test corresponds with animals! (My apologies to any animal that this might offend. Please don't take it personally. Or animally.) So ... ask yourself these questions:
Do you find that you are easily provoked?
Do you always have to be right?
Do you find yourself short on patience?
Do you express your opinions, regardless of the offense that these statements may give?
Do you dislike others telling you what to do?
Do you think everyone else is stupid?
I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.
If you answered yes to 4 or more of these questions, then you are a Baboon.
Do you bend over backwards to please others?
Do you constantly worry about what others think of you or your actions?
Do you cry over fictional characters?
Do you frequently change your mind?
Do you have a hard time letting go of the past?
Do you like to eat chocolate?
If you answered yes to 4 or more of these questions, then you are a Hamster.
Do you like to laugh, a lot?
Do you laugh so loud it echos all the way to Mexico?
Do you frequently raise your voice when talking to others, just to make certain everyone can hear your funny story?
Do you gloat over your number of followers/friends/groupies on Instatwittbook?
Do you feel sad and lonely when leaving a party?
Do you take a daily selfie?
If you answered yes to 4 or more of these questions, you are a Hyena.
Do you obsess about your body?
Do you believe that if you've got it, you should flaunt it?
Do you talk about your daily workout for longer than you actually worked out?
Do you own a Speedo?
Do you know the names of all the people on Jersey Shore?
Do you drive a Trans Am?
If you answered yes to 4 or more of these questions, you are a Stallion (baby).
Do you consider sleep to be your favorite passtime?
Do you aim for 14 hours of sleep a day, but can still function if you get 12?
Do you like pajamas and bathrobes more than designer jeans?
Do you wait until 2 pm before you comb your hair?
Do you consider chewing gum to be a great alternative to brushing your teeth?
Do you turn your phone on silence so no one will interrupt one of your 5 naps?
If you answered yes to 4 or more of these questions, then you are a Sloth.
Did you take my highly scientific test? What were your results?
I'm just kidding. Don't really take it. But you may answer the questions by proxy for your loved ones, co-workers, and neighbors. Yes, really do that!
But answer me this: have you taken other personality tests? Do you take stock in them? Which color or letter are you?
If you haven't taken a test or can't remember your results or want to help those of use who can't remember what all the colors and letters mean, what traits classify your personality?
And ... do you find that you have a hard time getting along with certain personality types? Do you look for certain traits when you make new friends? And do you think we would all get along if we were to have a girl's night at my house? (This Friday! Everyone come. No wait, don't. The house isn't clean. I'll get back to you on that.)
Like I said above, I'm seriously a flibbertigibbet and I have traits of each personality type. I get along with pretty much everyone. I am blessed to have so many wonderful friends here and there and everywhere! As I have aged, I have realized that friends don't have to share all the same interests and hobbies: there just needs to be mutual respect, devotion, and compassion. And since I asked you, I shall have to answer this one as well: yes, sometimes I have a hard time getting along with Baboons and Stallions. But I don't typically go for the jugular. The Sloth in me has learned to just avoid the Baboons and Stallions and just keep my head under the covers.
OK, it's your turn. Go go go!
I have two hamster traits, but I definitely would come out of this one being a sloth. I have a hard time getting along with opinionated people who always have to be right. You know, the hard minded ones who say they're open-minded but if you don't agree with them you're wrong and they don't listen to others' opinions at all. I have my opinions but I don't try to force them on others and I'm perfectly happy to agree to disagree. So, baboons and I do not get along very well.
I've had to take personality tests for some of my college classes. I usually end up scoring strongly in two areas and being really far off in every other area.
I'm most similar to the hamster which i'm not particularly please about...
Anyway, I usually take personality tests regarding what character I'm most like. Like in Harry Potter or Twilight. I never ended up as the person I wanted to be. Like ever. Even in those stupid tween magazine quizzes about what boy is "you summer hottie" or whatever. I had to do a personality quiz for this mentoring thing I did so they could fix all the sucky things about. Not my favorite months of my life. I have lots of favorite animals. I'm surprised none of them were the test result animals.
I like the princess personality test on my daughter's old Princess Party DVD. I usually try to answer the questions so I can end up being Ariel, 'cause she's such a great singer ;).
I'm supposedly a purple Type A person (half red, half blue). What I think is really curious is that my husband is also half red, half blue, and we also both have Taurus as our zodiac sign. Aren't two people of the same type supposed to not get along? Maybe that's why we have such good fights (not really), that end up with such good making up sessions (yes, really).
Can I add another animal to your list of personalities? I think I'd like to be a grasshopper. They're busybodies that can fly and go far when they want to, and they can ditch people they don't want to be around in the blink of an eye. Ha ha! Oooh, that makes me sound like a snob. I think I've just been around too many kids today. He he :).
I think some days I am a babhamenastaloth!! WOW!! That was an excellent test. I can definitely think of some baboons in my life!! lol.
Nicole: (I'm a sloth too! Shh, don't tell anyone!) Ha ha , I love those people who are opened minded and accepting of everyone, except of those people who have a different view point! Open minded is the new close minded. Everyone needs to be more like I was at the age of 13, when I didn't want to ruffle any feathers or cause any inconveniences: I would say "I don't know" or "I don't care" about everything. Hey Lori, do you want to go to Disneyland? "I don't care." ... And that is how you get along with everyone. Our government should take lessons from me.
Devree: hamsters are very sweet and cuddly! And generally pretty quiet too. Those are good traits! And I can't imagine anyone wanting to fix you, since we all know you are perfect. You going to be translated this week Devree? What animals would you have listed?
Jenna: you change your answers to get different results? Shame! Does that make you a cheetah? (ha ha, just joking.) I love the color purple; no wonder I like you so much. And I do hope your children don't read that line about the make out sessions. I mean make up sessions. ;) Yes, let's add grasshoppers to your list. Not my favorite critter either. They're so unpredictable! And creepy!
Team C: You clever girl, you! Does that mean you have multiple personalities, like me? I'm sorry you have to deal with baboons. We should create a non-profit group that sews little panties for the critters; they might be more pleasant if we don't have to look at those nasty rear ends. (We could put hemorrhoid cream inside the panties too ... that might be helpful.)
Nah, they were just trying to make me better for the work force and matching me to my preferential workplace. If I do get translated this week it would be a big waste of all those people giving me scholarships and money to pay for a year and 1/2 of college. And all the surgeries to make my face acceptable. And all the money spent on wigs...PLUS I might have to wait for my one fish even LONGER and he might get swiped up while i'm gone. And you know no one can reach celestial glory without a worthy spouse and eternal family.
Plus I'm not as perfect as you think. If you could see me when no one but God is looking, you'd be shocked.
My favorite animals are penguins, dolphins, turtles, frogs, elephants, and monkeys. I dunno how'd they fit though....
Devree: If you want to make sure you don't get translated until you finish college, you better start doing some really awful stuff, like stealing books from the library! I don't believe that you do bad stuff while no one is looking. I can practically see the glow from your halo all they way up here in MT! I used to have a fetish for penguins, btw. I wanted to own one so bad, but then I realized I'd have to live somewhere even colder than here, so never mind!
Ig I were to go by YOUR personality test, then I have no personality.. which would fit in with me having no humor (so said a daughter of mine), but I tend to have a sarcastic personality and sense of humor.. you know what that makes me? I'll tell you.. TROUBLE! but I am a giving trouble maker, want to guinea pig for me? I'm testing a new cookie recipe this week.
Fun quiz! It's been a long time since I have taken any personality quizzes. Looks like I have a split personality though so I guess I am the creature that Team C named? Not sure I can pronounce it but I'd love to see what kind of picture google could come up with for that... or maybe I wouldn't. it might be scary!
I get along pretty well with pretty much everyone...unless they are stupid! Kidding... well kind of kidding, I don't like stupid people but I thought question was hilarious. It made me laugh so loud it could be heard in Mexico and then I choked and my chocolate and needed to take a nap!
Mary: you DO have a personality and you DO have a sense of humor. Clearly you're just not good at taking tests. The key is to not get stressed out. Just relax! Of course I will taste test your cookies! Unless you really are trouble and are planning on lacing them with exlax ...
Anne: If only I had mad photoshopping skills, I could create that creature! That would be an effective use of my time! Saw a shirt that said, "I'm sorry if I offend you by calling you stupid. I thought you already knew." Ha ha, I love it! Should I get it for you for your Thanksgiving gift? ... You make me laugh, cute girl. :)
Really, I'm a baboon? I'm red, type A through and through, but you already knew that since you're my friend. Sorry, I'll try to keep the Baboon traits hidden! You are a funny, creative lady, how do you come up with this stuff?!?
Which animal always has energy to play, but must be cautious and wise in the spending of mental energy (the kind relationships and running a household depend on)? But this I do know; without the play I would have NO energy! It revs me up! So what kind of animal is that, mama bear?
PaulaShawn: Oh yes, we must get mama bears on the list! Mama bears also like it better outdoors than in; unless of course there is something yummy indoors. In your case, it's probably flax seed that will draw you inside. I think you and bigskyboys are of the same mold. She would be a mama bear too, and that is why you can't live here--you would steal her from me, just like you stole all my friends (and a boyfriend!) when we were young. You can't have her she's mine! And she would come inside for chocolate chip cookies and those would poison you, so you want to stay FAR away. (Just kidding. Would you hurry up and find the other half of you a job up here already?)
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