Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What a Character

Do you remember when we talked about careers we would love even if we might not have talent in that particular area? And remember when I talked about how I want to become a casting director? Well, that's so I can cast myself in movies and become an actress--which is yet another job I would love but lack the skills to be successful. OK, so I don't really want to be an actress. But sometimes I watch a movie and I think, "I would love to play that role!" Does that ever happen to you?

It can happen to me for a  number of reasons. Like when I saw 101 Dalmatians. I would have loved to have been cast as Cruella De Vil. How fun would that be to act so incredibly insane! So ruthless. So intimidating. Oh, and to be so fashion forward.

It happened when I saw The Young Victoria. I would have loved that role because of the costumes. Could you imagine getting to wear some of those dresses?

Remember The Princess Bride? (Of course, how could we forget?) I would have loved to play Buttercup. She was so calm and graceful ... and she had men fighting over her. Men defying death for her. That's gotta feel pretty good, even if it is just on-screen.

Then finally, Dwight Schrute. I would love to play Dwight. Just because. (OK, if you need a reason, it's because he's such a geek, yet he could care less what others think.)

Don't you see how fun it could be to get totally immersed in a role? Especially if that character brought out personality traits that we typically subdue. :) Not to mention that if you could have access to some of the wardrobes from movies, you'd have the coolest Halloween costumes ever.

So tell me: what character from movies, books or TV would you love to get cast as?


Nicole Jessop said...

I would love to play Shawn Spencer's sidekick on Psych, Ziva or Abby on NCIS, and any movie where they have gorgeous princes dresses would be fun. I can't think of any off the top of my head

PaulaShawn said...

I would love to be Frodo in Lord of the Rings. Not because I already look like him, nor because I like saying, "My Precious!" But because of the filming location - amazing New Zealand. And 3 movies to film there! Lucky!

Sally said...

I want to be Anne of Green Gables! And Jo from Little Women. And Miss Hale from North and South. And if I weren't currently playing Olivia's mom and didn't need to get to and from the grocery store before time to pick her up, I could come up with lots more.

Anonymous said...

funny you mentioning The Young Victoria, I just finished watching it. I love English history from Victoria or Elizabeth, always thought if I could be Queen Mary of Scots, I would change a whole LOT of things for her, Scotland, France and England. I, too, am a huge fan of the clothing from that area, so much more refined! ..:)Mary Allen

Livingstonslifeinmontana said...
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Livingstonslifeinmontana said...

I thought I was the only person who would think of stuff like this...apparently not! I've thought for years that I would love to play Ursula from The Little Mermaid...I practice in the car whenever I hear her song.

bigskyboys said...

As a child I always wanted to be Samantha from Bewitched but someone like Weaser from Steele Magnolias would probably fit me better!

Missy said...

So I would love to play the mom on Freaky Friday, I LOVE that movie (the newer one with Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis). I think it would be so fun to play both personalities! (...does that make me sound crazy?)

Lori Folkman said...

Jessops: Your wedding dress was a gorgeous princess dress! Maybe you'll have to get it out and play dress-up!

PaulaShawn: You need to go to New Zealand w/ the Jessops! :)

Sally: I loved Miss Hale too!

Mary: You would make a great queen!

Comment deleted: I couldn't agree with you more!

LivingstonslifeinMT: Ha! You're going to have to gain a LOT of weight.

bigskyboys: Weaser rocks! But I would like to see you wiggle your nose.

JESSOPS #2: You're worried about multiple personalities? Maybe you could be an author. :)