Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Beary Nice Winner

Who knew there were so many Montana -lovers out there? I'm changing my blog. It's going to be called "I Left My Heart In Montana" and every week we'll talk about something that has to do with the Big Sky State. Next week's topic: What to do if you are trapped in your home during a snow storm. Topic for the week after that: How to drive on icy roads: an idiots guide to staying alive.

So guess what??? It's been snowing nonstop for the past two days. Yippeee! And the snow is sparkly! I love sparkly snow more than Bella Swan loves sparkly vampires. I shall try to capture it on film and share it with you, but until then, enjoy this: 

Seriously, who would by that? I think I'm going to have nightmares.

Just in case you quickly scanned the blog and saw that picture and thought, "Oh my cow, so glad I didn't win this week," I shall quickly post these pictures to dispel any disappointment.

Paulashawn: you almost ruined the surprise. You know me too well. The prize is huckleberry pancake batter (it's gourmet, you know. It says so right there on the label.) AND a can of Flathead cherry preserves. You don't eat them together. But, I didn't want to make the cherries feel bad for not promoting them as the best fruit in the Flathead, nor vise versa with the huckleberries. They are both SO yummy and you can never get enough in the summertime.

But wait! That's not all! If you place your order now, we'll include this beary delightful trinket.

He's a bear-bell. Get it? Wear him on your backpack to scare away real bears.What big bear wouldn't be intimidated by that jingly thing?

And again, in case you were skimming and you saw Paulashawn and thought she/he  they/them  her/sir  won, you need to pay more attention. This week's winner is #4 Jazznjenna. What? Can't you read that? Sheesh guys, you really have some ADHD or something. It's  

#4 JazznJenna!

JazznJenna really deserves to win because she lives the farthest away from Montana. I will also package up some fresh air to send to you. 

Thanks everyone for commenting and sharing the love. Montana really is God's country, aint it?

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