Thursday, January 5, 2012

I Believe We Have a Winner

Great predictions guys! I really, truly, hope that they come true for each of you.

Bigskyboys: I don't know how you do it. I'm so glad those days are behind me. I like my sleep too much! There's a lot of you bloggy friends who have wee-little ones. I'm so grateful that you take time to comment on my blog; I know your time is precious.

I would like to add another prediction. I predict that it WILL snow in 2012, and by that I mean during THIS winter, not the next. That might be my most unrealistic prediction yet. I probably wouldn't be complaining about the lack of snow if the kids didn't all have ski passes this year. (Murphy's Law)

This week's prize is something that will help you stay organized and productive all year. 

It's a Mom's Plan it Calendar, the Original Planning Calendar. (Because no one like an Imitation Planning Calendar.)

The winning comment this week is: no way, I can't believe this: it's #3, Seiperts! Why can't I believe it? Because today is her birthday! How lucky is that? Congrats Seiperts. I will be in touch.

And did you all see that Mitt's off to a great start? Woot woot!

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