Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Hysterical Winner

Thanks for the laughs gals. I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets most of my jokes from my children. (Which is good, it means the jokes are clean!)

My brain-deadedness seems to persist though. I'm thinking it's a virus. Wonder if there is an over-the-counter remedy for that. I know of many things that kill braincells, including SpongeBob, but is it ever possible to revive dead braincells? Anyone out there no now know?

This week's prize is something totally unrelated to the topic, as I couldn't think of anything that goes with laughter and jokes. The only thing I thought of was Laughing Cow ice cream, (I might have thought of that because of the cow cartoon. Subliminal cow!) but it would melt in the mail. Although, chances are, the winner will be from my neck of the woods this time. Let's see, shall we?

And it's #5 Team C!!! A new winner. I'm so happy for ya Team C! Email me your address at 

Oh ya, back to the prize (See, braindead!). It's this: 

 A $10 Starbucks card. Team C, you have to call me when you are drinking your hot chocolate and I'll make you laugh so hard it comes out your nose. Agreed? (I might have to resort to some Michael Scott-style jokes though.)

And in case y'all never saw this, this relates to last week's post. However, if you do not have love for Montana in your heart, you may not rip on Montana. Understood? Good. ;-)

Here is what Jeff Foxworthy has to say about Montana…
If your local Dairy Queen is closed from September through May, you may live in Montana.
If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don’t even work there, you may live in Montana.
If you’ve worn shorts and a jacket at the same time, you may live in Montana.
If you’ve had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number, you may live in Montana.
If “vacation” means going anywhere south of Missoula for the weekend, you may live in Montana.
If you measure distance in hours, you may live in Montana.
If you know several people who have hit a deer more than once, you may live in Montana.
If you have switched from ‘heat’ to ‘A/C’ in the same day and back again, you may live in Montana.
If you can drive 75 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching, you may live in Montana.
If you install security lights on your house and garage, but leave both doors unlocked, you may live in Montana.
If you carry jumpers in your car and your wife knows how to use them, you may live in Montana.
If you design your kid’s Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit, you may live in Montana.
If the speed limit on the highway is 55 mph -you’re going 80 and everybody is passing you, you may live in California.
If driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow, you may live in Montana.
If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction, you may live in Montana.
If you have more miles on your snow blower than your car, you may live in Montana.
If you find 10 degrees “a little chilly”, you may live in Montana.

See ya next week!


Jennifer Lovell said...

On second thought, I don't think Montana sounds like my kind of place ; ). I hate winter. Have I ever mentioned that? That was funny though, especially the line about California (one place I have lived). I also liked the shorts and jacket combination. Is that like Utah's sandals plus socks?

I'll see what I can do about blog post ideas...good luck on the brain revival this week!

Nicole Jessop said...

I love these :) So true

Lori Folkman said...

Jenna: Sandals and socks! I'd forgot about that great combination! Can't do that here or your sock would be soggy all the time!

Nicole: Yes, sad, but true!