Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Daydream Believer

Welcome back! I missed you guys. And welcome 2012. It's so nice to meet you, even though you will be the last year we ever know (or so they say).

Did y'all enjoy your holidays? I came up with a new word to describe my holidays. LAZETASTIC! One week, I was so extremely busy that I didn't even have time to comb my hair, and the very next week, I had days we didn't even have to leave the house, hence, I again didn't comb my hair. It was fantastic to be so lazy.

Here's what my hair looked like by the end of the holidays:
Anyone know of a good conditioner?

Are you guys excited for a new year? I am, because this is what is going to happen in 2012:
1. The Killers are going to release a new album. And it's going to rock. (No actual release date or word if they are actually recording, but I'm counting on them to give me music to write to. Come on Brandon, don't disappoint me!)

2. The Wilder Times series is going to make it on the Amazon Best Sellers list. How is this going to happen? Because of you, my friends! All my awesome friends will tell all their awesome friends to read my (awesome) books, and they tell their awesome friends, who tell their awesome friends ... and you get the picture. So thanks for helping me sell thousands of copies. You guys are great! (Hey, who all got e-readers for Christmas? I'm loving mine!)


 3. Also,  another writing-related prediction, I will publish two more books this year. ( But I have to write them first. Holy ambitious!)

(You know that's not my writing, because I would never use such a cliche. Nor would I use anything but a mechanical pencil. Or a computer.)

 4. I'm going to go on a vacation. A real vacation, where I actually leave the house (I'm fully aware that I'll have to comb my hair). Somewhere warm and sunny.


I may even take the family along. And if that's the case, this would be the picture I need to use:

(I can buy mouse ears and cover my hair if we go there, so it's a win win for everyone.) 

Of course, #4 is contingent upon #2 (not that #2, gross! The #2 on this list). But hey, no pressure. Don't feel like you have to go out and buy 10 copies of my books and hand them out on the street corner. I'll survive if I can't go on a vacation, especially since this is our last year on earth. 

#5. This guy is going to win the election.

So what are your predictions for 2012? And it's okay to be overly optimistic (#2 again), because what's the point in being awake if you can't daydream?


Nicole Jessop said...

1- We will be attending the family reunion for the first time as a married couple. Steve is so excited
2- We will buy a house
3- and this is hopeful, Steve will finish his schooling!

Bakerfam said...

1. Get into a house with some land to raise buffalo on.
2. Get a van.
3. publish my own works.
4. Oboma- not that I am a fan by any means, I just think it is a bit more realistic.

Seiperts said...

I erased my first coments because they were a bit "glass half empty". So..
1. We will move again atleast one maybe two times.
2. We will camp, hike and fish every weekend this summer.
3. Brents store will hit the million dollar mark and we will win a trip!
4. I will be back to prebaby weight.

Devree said...

1: I will finally get my license(it'd be embarrassing to go to college without one.)
2: I'll graduate as 8th in my class still
3: I will be accepted to BYU Hawaii
4: Mommy and I will have a most wonderful trip to NYC where we'll see a broadway play
5: the insurance company will accept that they are helping a cancer kid and that's expensive, thus paying their part of my Boston surgeries!
6: I'll finally get to read the books I want! (Now that one's dreaming! ;))

Anne said...

1)We will go to Disneyland! yay!
2)My vinyl lettering will take off and we will get to finish the rest of our basement
3) We will have great weather and get to play outside tons!
4) I'm stealing Seiperts and I will also be back to pre(4 babies ago ) weight :) Happy New Year!!

PaulaShawn said...

1) I will do something harder than I've ever done.
2) I will be old enough to have a high schooler (see #1)
3) My middle child will enter middle school (see #1)
4) My youngest will be at the elementary alone (see #1)
5) As a family, we will read the Book of Mormon in 100 days (see #1)
And just as every year previous has proven to be, 6) this new year will be the best one yet!

Jennifer Lovell said...

Missed you, too, Lori!

1) I will read one or both of your books : ). I have to get them first, but once I do, I'll read them, and then recommend them to everyone I know. Oh yeah!
2) Hubby and I will change our names to DOCTOR AND MRS. LOVELL!!! (as opposed to Mr. and Mrs.)
3) I will become a piano teacher for kids other than my own, and make big bucks teaching beginners how to play (I can only teach up to my own level, right? Still...)
4) I will curb my addiction to reality/competition TV shows like American Idol, Biggest Loser (which I'm watching as I write), X Factor, So You Think You Can Dance... OK, this one is NOT going to happen ;).
5) I'll second the Mitt Romney vote. Go Mitt!

Lori Folkman said...

Jessops: I'm super excited for #1 too! It's going to rock!

Bakerfam: #1 will be in MT, right? And I'm really rooting for you on #3.

Seiperts: I'm glad you went with the glass half-full version. When #3 happens, maybe we can go together!(Disneyland, here we come!)

Devree: You amaze me! 8th in your class? What the cow? How do you do it? And #5 is ridonkulous. I'm rooting for you on that one!

Anne: #1 ... I think we should change the location of the family reunion!

Paulashawn: you are hilarious. Want to author this blog next week?

JazznJenna: I LOVE #2. I wondered what you were doing all the way back East. You know, MT is always in need of new dr's! You could be my neighbor, then I'd lend you those books you need and you could teach my kids piano. Perfect!

bigskyboys said...

I predict that sometime during 2012 I will once again start getting more than 2.5 hrs of sleep at a time. Due to the above mentioned, my brain cannot come up with any other predictions!