Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Sweet Winner

Heavy topic this week ... but guess what? Our positivity worked! It brought snow! It was only a couple inches, but it was snow. AND it also got cold, which is good because it means it won't rain on top of our snow.

I loved your comments; thanks for the hug JazznJenna. It was as good as a real hug, and not at all awkward, like hugs can sometimes be, especially if you are worried that your deodorant might not be holding out.

I especially loved Janice's line on jiggly arms. I will think of that every time my flab ricochets when I wave.

This week's prize will give you as many lumps of sugar as you would like:

Choxie Chocolates. Because if you are having a problem with negativity, eating chocolate always helps change your outlook. (No, these aren't leftover from Christmas. No, I haven't eaten half the package.)

This week's winner is: #1 Jessops! You've had a dry spell, but you've hung in there and commented every single week! (Thank you! You are wonderful!) I do hope you like chocolate. And I do hope that Steve doesn't like chocolate so you don't have to share.

See you all next week, and I promise not to make you think so much!


Nicole Jessop said...

Yes! I definitely do like chocolate. Unfortunately, so does Steve.... but he has plenty of cookies to hold him over! Maybe I'll share. I guess it all depends on how stressful my day was when I get them! ;)

Anne said...

So I know I am late... but I wanted to add my two cents... I know this was in one of the other comments but I really do think gratitude is the first step to thinking positive. It really helps me think of what I am grateful for if I am feeling super negitive that day. It takes work but we really all have so much to be thankful for. I am loving the sunshine although I know we will be paying for it later. Sunshine makes me feel 100% more positive about life :) Keep up the good work Lori. I always enjoy reading your posts.

Lori Folkman said...

Jessops: I will get those in the mail pronto--that's definitely something I don't want lying around the house! :)

Anne: you are so sweet, thank you! And you know my favorite saying is "Better late then never," so I'm so glad you added your two cents. I feel so much richer!