Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Truth or Dare

Truth: We all have annoying habits. Some are more obvious than others. Like some people drive 55 in a 75. Or some people cut in front of you at the checkout. Or some people quote Dumb and Dumber, which is ultra annoying because just watching Dumb and Dumber is annoying.

Do you know what I do that's annoying? (Don't really answer that! You might make me discover something about myself that I'm not ready to acknowledge.) I like to chomp ice, especially while I'm writing. I also like to pop my gum, particularly while I'm driving. I know that these rank at the top of my hubby's list of pet peeves, yet I'm unable to stop. And I actually don't want to stop ... it's kind of therapeutic or something. (And it probably makes Matt want to go to therapy!)

If you are not willing to accept a challenge, this is where you stop reading. You can leave me a comment and share the truth with the world. What do you do that's annoying? Your comment will enter you to win our typical weekly prize. 

Or you can choose to accept the dare. 

Dare: You know what else is annoying? When people try to sell you stuff. Stuff that you don't want to buy. Like a book.

So being a salesperson isn't my strong suit. (Cliche!) But I've got this book that I'm kinda excited about. I want to scream it from the top of someplace that's really high. I want everyone to be able to read it. But my contact list is rather small. So I need your help. 

This is the dare, should you chose to accept it: Tell 5 friends about my book. (Be my salesmen! A Lori Folkman minion army! What could be more annoying?) All you have to do is say, "My friend wrote this awesome book. It's about a teen rockstar who doesn't want to grow up to be just like his dearly-departed rockstar dad. And it's about this girl who has a mega-huge crush on the teen star. You can read all about it on Lori's blog. Oh! And you can win prizes on her blog. Check it out at lorifolkman-blogaway.blogspot." See how easy that is?

So tell five people and come back and report. (Honor system here. I trust your word!) Leave me a comment that says "I did it! I told 5 people!" and you will be entered to win an even more awesome prize than if you were to take the boring, unadventurous route and tell us something annoying about yourself. How awesome a prize? Well, let's just say that being a salesman is hard work. It might make you tired. Like too tired to cook dinner. You get it? 

But WAIT! There's more. Tell your friends your screen name and when they come visit the blog, you will be entered again. So they will say "Hi, I'm a BigBunchaBolonga and I was sent here by WhyDoesItAlwaysRainInMT?" Every time I see your screen name, I will enter your screen name on specially formatted contest spreadsheet. So if you send twenty people to the blog, the odds will be in your favor, just like spending your entire life savings on lottery tickets.

And Wait! There's EVEN more: if your friend wins (for example,BigBunchaBolonga) and they mentioned your name (WhyDoesItAlwaysRainInMT?) you will both WIN! Two winners! Two people that won't have to cook dinner. Is that not incredibly awesome?

So which will it be: Truth or Dare? I dare you to help me sell my book. Why? Because the more books I sell, the more I'm able to spend on prizes. Its a win win for everyone!

Go forth minions, go forth!


Lott said...

Does posting it on Facebook count as telling one friend or 300 friends? Letter of the law calling.

Lori Folkman said...

It counts as telling 300. See, I knew I could trust you guys! Go Lott!

Lott said...

Done and Done!

Mike and Kelli said...

I was sent here by Leslie Lott and I super hopes she wins because she deserves it and is awesome! Congrats on the book!

bigskyboys said...

I pick at my fingernails and the neverending cracks on my fingers when I am nervous. I have upgraded from biting my fingernails, so I've improved. I also have pre-trip anxiety, which drives poor Austin crazy.

I also promise to forward your fantastic book info. to at least 5 people but it will have to be tomorrow because it's just way too nice to waste any more time sitting on this computer!

Livingstonslifeinmontana said...

I did it! I told 5 MORE people!
And I can't think of any strange habits that I have...unless you mean like repeating car licenses over and over in my head or spelling words over and over in head...you didn't mean anything normal like that did you? (I guess its not too bad since it doesn't bother anyone but myself!) Ü

Team C said...

Don't let that Livingstonslifemontana girl fool you. Heh heh. I speak to myself and others in different languages sometimes like in a french accent or English.Also, whenever I get close to a border i.e. Mexico, Canada, the South, I morph into that accent. Weird I know. I snap my gum too. The list could go on and on. BTW I posted on Facebook as any good minion should do! ;)

Anonymous said...

Dare. I'll accept the challenge and tell 5 people! Practice the salesperson skills...

Anonymous said...

Accepting the dare! It'll be hard because I don't think I have 5 friends!

PaulaShawn said...

You are really fun, you're really really fun, fo real! (think/sing Antoine Dawdson)

I guess I should get on Facebook, just so I can be an advertiser for you. (Do I love you or what? First blogging and now Facebook!) That way my annoying habit of telling everyone in my address book about something I think is cool will go viral even faster ;->