Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Challenging Winner

It's been two days since our challenge--are you still motivated? I am, but a little begrudgingly. I'm having a hard time putting words together into those sentence thingies. It's such a good thing I put that progress bar up, or I might just decide to wait another week or two to get to work. I did finally make a connection this morning though: Halloween candy = ADHD. I have sworn the stuff off, at least for a few hours. I want to make it to 5000 words today! Yay!

This week's prize is something that will help you get your projects done. It's a $10 Papa John's gift card. How does that help? That means you don't have to cook dinner one night: you better use your extra hour or so wisely!

And the winner as selected by is #3 ... JazznJenna. Another new BlogAwayster! Wowza. I don't know what's up with that, but all the rest of you guys might want to change your screen name next week so you can win. Kidding. JazznJenna, email me  at folksinmt(at)gmail(dot)com.

Have a great week everyone!


Nicole Jessop said...

We take turns reading to each other and if we go on a road trip, like a weekend home, I get the books on cd so we can still make progress. Sometimes we get too busy talking though and don't get as far as we could.

Lori Folkman said...

You guys still talk to each other? You've been married for over a year! :)

Nicole Jessop said...

I know, right? Maybe we're just a little slow and in a few months we'll barely speak to each other