Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Lend Me Your Words

I knew this would happen eventually. I knew the day would come that I would sit down in front of Blogger and think and think and think. And out of my spry fingers would come sheer brilliance absolutely nothing.

It's possible that this writer's block is happening because I ate way too much over the holiday weekend (oh my gosh did I eat and eat and eat. I don't think that the grizzlies up in my mountains ate that much in preparation for hibernation.) or it's possible that I'm feeling uninspired because of the NBA lockout--but whatever the cause, my mind is full of nothingness. And sadly, it's not just the blog that's suffering. NaNoWriMo isn't going so hot for me as well. Don't look at my wordcount. I am ashamed. Really, don't look at it, please. Stop! I said don't look! 

Since the month is over in just one day and I have a lot of words left to write, I really really need your help. How can you help? Give me words! I love made-up words. Words like   Ginormous    Ridonkulous   Fantabulous  
I also love made-up words that might be closely related to bad words, but since they're made up, they're not technically a swearword. (That's my story and I'm sticking with it.) Words like Craptacular (thank you Simpsons) or the most brilliant word of all: Dumbiot, as created by my 8 year old. Since we don't want to call someone dumb or an idiot, (because that's not nice!) it is therefore okay to call someone a dumbiot since it's not a real word. 

So I'm on the look-out for some fun new words. Can you help? Share your favorite words with me. If you don't have one on the tip of your tongue, make some up! (Word verification words are great for this!) And leave me the definition if it's not obvious so we can all make sure we are using the word correctly. 

But guess what? Even more than just winning the weekly prize, you could win something even cooler. Like you might just see your word in print, via Purgatory. And I will even acknowledge the origin of the word on my acknowledgement page. Total Awesomesauce!


Jennifer Lovell said...

Fun post!

First, I do need to tell you that thanks to your challenge, I DID get my 2010 family yearbook done!! We even have it in our hot little hands already, printed by Shutterfly. ...In case you would like to see it, here's a link to the online copy:


Second, I believe I might be able to come up with some good words for your list. Terms of endearment are what first come to mind. In my family, the word "Duma" is known by all. It is actually a real word, in some other language it means "cheetah". But in our family it means "you're one of us. You fit right in." We even went so far as to name our family website "Dumas' Rumas" (as in 'Rumors' or stories of our family).

Then, there is the term we use for our kids: "Kiddiepoops". "It's time for bed you little kiddiepoops." It doesn't sound very nice, but it stuck, and makes me laugh.

I hope this one counts, too: "You're such a GUBULA" in our family means that you had a moment of being gullible, and someone just pulled one over on you.

Those don't necessarily sound worthy of your book, but they've been useful nonetheless : )! I love your words though, and I'm going to try to find a way to use that word Awesomesauce a.s.a.p. Fun stuff!

Nicole Jessop said...

I wasn't first this week! It must be because we talked about it... Anyway, I only have one made up word! It's uniquity. I used it once because I couldn't think of uniqueness and then stuck with it because I liked the sound. Unfortunately, I used it once in a conversation with one of my college English professors.... so I stopped using it so frequently. But I still like it!
And I don't know how you'd ever work this in, but I love the word coagulate. I think it's just fun to say!

Tara said...

Ack. I just left you the best comment ever written, and it disappeared into oblivion, so you'll have to settle for this.

A friend taught me the word "idgida" pronounced with short i's as in sit. It's the word to describe the feeling you get when you shudder after hearing chalk squeak on a chalkboard or when thinking about certain food combinations that are just plain wrong--like sausage and ice cream. That's "idgida" or maybe it's spelled "ijida", I don't know.

From that I developed the word "itchida" which is the feeling you get when you've been exposed to too many mosquitos or that unreachable spot on your back starts calling for attention. That's "itchida" or it could be "itchita". You can spell words however you like when they're made up. ;)

Lori Folkman said...

JazznJenna: I'm so proud of you for getting your album done. Your family is darling. Thank you for sharing your year with me! I LOVE the word GUBULA. It's so added to my vocab!

Jessops: What are the chances of that? I must have jinxed you. So sorry. (But it was so good to see you on Sat!)I too love the word coagulate. And guess what? It's in book one! I can't believe you don't remember that one word out of 112,000. Sheesh.:)

Tara: Yay! Glad to see your cute face around here! Those two words are splenderrific. And they describe the sensations perfectly. I'm going to have to practice my enunciation before I can use them in public though.

Devree said...

My word is splendiferous. and I thought it was so funny that you used awesomesauce because I always use the word lamesauce. Like that kid who threw an opened, full milk carton at me today was a lamesauce to say the least. Fantabulous is always a fun word. Whenever I sign my missionary brother's letter I always say "love your most favoritest sister" because I'm his only sister. Chantel started the "Bad Manzana" thing but that's fun too. It's kind of like "he's a bad egg."

Nicole Jessop said...

I actually remember reading it in the book! I won't tell you how excited I was to see it.... and I may or may not have shown Steven because I was so excited.

Sally said...

Cursmudgled. Out of whack, not quite right, as in, "Your tie is all cursmudgled." Cursmudgly is also acceptable.

Bakerfam said...

Awe this is a fun one! Delmer fud, or " you fudder" basicaly because I don't care for idiot or retard. Almost sounds like a swear word too so be careful. Or we use to laugh at the boys when they were yelling " Darcy " at each other. Are these going to end up in a game at the next reunion? Interestable is another new one mathoni has been using he just laughs and shrugs when I ask where he got it and that it's not a real word. Best of luck!

Anne said...

Ok... I am not sure how helpful this will be but you can have a laugh about it anyway :)

so Steve is the KING of making up words...or using words in the wrong place. "Meow" (yes as in the sound a cat makes) is his favorite. Meow can mean pretty much whatever you want it to. "meow honey, this dinner is good. or Meow! You are sure grouchy tonight. Or meow meow said to our kids usually means I love you...or "ya, what she said" He also loves to turn everything into a web address. Like www.stoptalking.com or www.whatsfordinnerhoney.org/ihopeitsgood (both things he has said more than once!)

lameasaurous rex: Really really lame

"the letter f!" ...I will let you figure that one out...

jessicajochen said...

Lori, David's favorite name for the boys when the do something stupid is to call them "mo-tards". As for Lauren, I tell her that she had better get rid of her brattitude or I will smack it outta her. But, then again, I get a little bit of a brattitude when dealing with all of our summertime "tourons" here. Hope you like them! Can't wait for the next book!

PaulaShawn said...

Sadly, I have no imagination to make up my own lexicon. But I do have an appreciation for some wonderful words. I think my favorite word is serendipitous, followed closely by felicitous. I also love the word flibbertigibbet and hope that it does not describe me, although I'm sure it does. And my connubial felicity has the masses adoring. So you can see that my word choice qua author is restricted to words precisely as found in the wordbook. Boring!