Thursday, May 3, 2012

Good Comments Always Make a Winner!

I loved everyone's comments! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who suffers from Foot in Mouth Disease (which is different from Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. I had that one once too. Don't you think they could have come up with a more creative name for it: like insepacticousbacterium?). Did that offend you that I acknowledged your mistakes? Are women the only creatures who worry about this stuff? Probably. How many times do you hear a guy say, "Oh my gosh, you will not believe what so and so said today! I am SO offended!" ??? Hardly ever. Although my teenage son offended one of his pot-head friends by saying, "Smoking pot makes you stupid." However, I do think that instance of rudeness was justified, don't you?

I wanted to get Scrabble for a prize this week, but doesn't everyone in the world already have that game? So instead, this is a prize that won't need to be returned or regifted:

This will help you get your feet into tip-top shape, just in case they ever do slip into your mouth. (I would rather have clean feet in my mouth than dirty feet, wouldn't you?)

The winning comment as selected by is #13: Berkley! Yay for you Berkley! (Funny that I was just saying to my awesome friend JazznJenna that I was glad to have fresh blood around the prize pool!) Berkley, can you email me your address? I promise I'm not a stalker. (OK, so I do stalk, but only from a distance.) My email address is over in the sidebar. (Yes I'm too lazy to type it right now. See how safe I am? Laziness does not a good stalker make.)

And based on a few of the comments, including the one from my sis, we need to do a weekly topic on stupid things guys say when trying to woo women. We could flip it around too if needed. (Like how I called my boyfriend by the wrong name once. While we were kissing. Oops! But hey, he married me, so no harm done!) That could be a very "hot" topic. :)

See ya next week friends!