Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Winner, Take Two

In case you missed yesterday's post, there's a lot more going on around here than just announcing a daily winner. You're going to want to scroll down to make sure you don't miss any of the fun. Or you could click here if your scrolling finger is broken.

Thanks for the tips on the headache yesterday. I found that hitting myself in the head with a sledgehammer works really well too. My head's not quite the same shape anymore though. Do you want to see a picture of what my head looks like? Click here. But warning, the picture might be disturbing to some viewers. My toes are still curling just from thinking about that picture.

Today let's talk about something more exciting that headaches: Books! Tell me about your reading habits. How many books do you go through a month? What's your favorite genre? Have you switched to an ereader or will you never be able to let go of it's heavy paper predecessor? And then finally ... what are you reading right now? I'm desperately looking for something to sink my teeth into: any recommendations?

Today's winner is: Brittany!
Last time Brittany won, it was the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book. I don't think Catalyst will be as funny, but there are a few hand-drawn pictures in there. Or not. But you'll still like it! I'll send you an email Brittany.

Come back tomorrow for more good fortune and don't forget to keep the conversation goin'!


Nicole Jessop said...

I use to read all the time! It was pretty much constant for me and it was usually fantasy or suspense. But once I got into college, all I had time to read was textbooks (and who wants to read those?). Steve and I read together. First we read the Twilight series, since I made him watch the movies with me and the books are better because Kristin Stewart is not present in them. Anyway, right now we're reading the Harry Potter series together.

The Rowley's said...

Yay! I LOVE winning books. I think I have already discussed how much I love books on th is blog... I read about 8 books a month or so. My baby goes to bed at 7 and Chad works till 11. Consequently, I have a lot of free time. Although now that my favorite shows are back, that # will decrease significantly. Favorite books Ive read this summer? Besides Wilder Times of course, The Book Thief, Hunger Games, Ella Enchanted, Goose Girl, and 1776. Right now Im reading a child development book and The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo.

Livingstonslifeinmontana said...

I love a good ol' book. No e-reading for me (yet). I tried to read on the computer once, but it felt more like work than a fun past-time.
I probably go through 2-3 books a month if I am really good and don't ignore my family too much. (I finished the Hunger Games series in 4 days, sorry kids) Right now I hesitantly started Fablehaven #2 and suprisingly I really like it.
I love to read anything really...except scarey or too creepy or anything that has to do with abused children! (pretty random thought!) Ü

Anne said...

I like e books. I ready Wilder Times on my phone. And I really like the app that puts all my Scriptures on my phone ...does that count?
"The Sharing knife" series. They were interesting ...
I'm ready to find something else to read soon. Its about time for another good book :) I go trhoigh phases where I will burn through several in a month and then I will go for a month or so without reading anything.

Devree said...

I really like reading books for younger kids. Not like Dr. Seuss or See Spot Run (although Dr. Seuss is great fun) but Percy Jackson, Vladimir Tod, Fablehaven and The Ranger's Apprentice. Books for people my age just aren't as fun. Currently I'm reading Dracula for school. I don't get a lot of fun reading time but I have a whole shelf of books just waiting to be read. No e-reader for me. It really sucks if I'm traveling and I'm about to finish one book and don't want to be left without something to read so I bring the next one on my list. Then I never get to it.

bigskyboys said...

I am a cyclic reader, 10 books one month and nothing for the next. It all depends on what I'm trying to avoid or how much I need a mental escape. I just finshed No. 1 Womens Detective Agency, it was great and I hear the others in the series are even funnier.

PaulaShawn said...

I munch on many different things at a time. I read different books in different rooms. My kitchen has The Power of Positive Parenting and The Hiding Place, my desk has the new book about the Relief Society, my nightstand has books on photography, faith, & biographies. I love to study! Oh, and I love the Ensign! When I finish it for the month I let myself read other good things.